What is ‘Learning to Learn’ at the Romsey School?

At Romsey School, we believe that in order to be well prepared for life beyond school, pupils need to master a whole range of skills which transcend the individual subject disciplines. Therefore we advocate the method(s) of metacognition. This means that we teach pupils ‘how’ to learn as well as teaching the subject content. Therefore, whenever appropriate, our curricula and teaching methodologies promote, encourage, and facilitate hands on learning experiences which develop both our pupils’ deeper knowledge and we overtly teach pupils how to enhance their ‘Habits of Mind’ (see below).

We are absolutely sure that this focus will reap dividends with regard to our pupils’ achievements and engagement, along with enhancing their happiness in their future lives. This focus on ‘metacognition’ is founded in sound research. For example, the Sutton Report 2016 found that, if used well, metacognition can enhance students’ achievement by resulting in gains of eight months. In fact, metacognition was one of the top two interventions for schools. What’s more, the ‘starting point’ Romsey School’s own ‘Habits of Mind’ included research from ‘Hannam’s 9 Dimensions’, ‘Claxton’s Four Rs’, and the Government’s ‘Personal Learning and Thinking Skills’.