J.A. Hughes Music Makers

J.A. Hughes Music Makers is a non-audition 4th - 6th Grade Choir. Students volunteer to meet twice a week to learn a variety of music and work on learning how to sing with melody and harmony. We also have 2 performances and a Day Trip during the school year.


Music Maker T-Shirt Form and Money are due THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 30!

**Click on link below to access printable letter

September 14, 2021

Dear Parent/Guardian,

Greetings from the Music Department! Your child has signed up to be a part of the “J.A. Hughes Music Makers” which is our elementary 4th-6th Grade Choir. The only cost to be a part of this group is purchasing a t-shirt and rehearsals are held during school hours.

The choir will meet every Monday and Thursday mornings in the Music Room. Students will come into the music room when they get off of the bus (approx. 7:45) and rehearse until 8:05. If your child eats breakfast at school, he/she should eat first and then come to choir.

We will have two concerts during the year – Nov. 16 and March 10. Please look for letters home regarding these performances closer to the dates. Information will also be posted on my Google Doc Page via the school’s website and my classroom Facebook page. We hope to have a day trip in the spring when we travel to area communities and show off our talents! Students will be required to wear black pants and J.A. Hughes Music T-shirt for these performances (see note below regarding shirts.)

I am so excited that your child has chosen to be a part of this group. It is a wonderful opportunity for him/her to experience music in a different way. Please feel free to contact me at school if you have any questions or concerns. E-mail is usually the best way to reach me. I am looking forward to a wonderful year of singing with your child.

Thank you!

Jennifer Wieland

253-2161 ext. 256


website: www.redlakefalls.k12.mn.us or Facebook “Jennifer Wieland MusicRoom”

We are asking each student to wear a “JA HUGHES MUSIC” T-shirt for all of our performances throughout the year. 4th Graders and new students to choir need to purchase one. We will be using the same shirt as the last few years. Students who already have a shirt do not need to buy another one unless it is damaged or doesn’t fit. If the shirt doesn’t fit but is in excellent condition, please trade it in for a larger size. The cost of the shirt will be $10.00. All students should turn in this form to Mrs. Wieland by Thursday, September 30.

Child’s Name: ____________________________ Grade: ________


__________ My Child will be using his/her shirt from last year.

__________ My Child will be purchasing a new shirt ($10 payment enclosed)

________ My Child is exchanging his/her shirt for a larger size (Old shirt returned)

Size (Please check one): ____ Child M _____Child L

_____Adult S _____ Adult M _____ Adult L

**Checks made out to : JA HUGHES MUSIC DEPT.