Make up slip

Make up slip

Physical Education/Weight Training Make up Slip

Name_______________________ Time In:______ Time Out:______ Date:___________

Instructor: K.Kennett

Make sure the bottom is signed. Remember, 30 minutes is required to make up one excused PE absence. Ask Ask Ask! Don't be shy and ask questions on how to do things.

Class To Be Made Up: PE-GD 7 8 9 10 W. Training Adv PE

INSTRUCTIONS. Go to each exercise and complete what is listed. Work for 30 minutes for full credit. Go in the order listed for safety purposes and for a more efficient work out. Complete all 3 sets before moving onto the next exercise. Large muscle exercises will require 1 minute of rest, while small muscle exercises will require only 30 seconds. Ask the supervisor on duty for help if you need it.

Pick 3 of the following exercises for your chest and complete the information below.

(Rest for 1 minute only in between each set)

Exercise Name How many times to lift How many pounds of weight lifted

Bench Press 3 sets of 10 reps Amount of weight lifted ________

Incline Press 3 sets of 10 reps Amount of weight lifted ________

Peck Deck 3 sets of 10 reps Amount of weight lifted ________

Push ups 3 sets of failure (do as many as you can). List how many reps completed for each failure: ______ ______ ______

**Leg Exercises can be done alternating with the upper body, for example the chest exercises above. Do a set on the bench and the go to a set of legs. This is an excellent way to get your work out completed quicker.

Do all of the following leg exercises:: (rest for 1 minute in between if you are not alternating with the upper body exercises)

Leg Extension (machine) 3 sets of 10 reps Amount of weight lifted ________

Leg Flexion( machine) 3 sets of 10 reps Amount of weight lifted ________

Squat with dumbbell, or bar 3 sets of 10 reps Amount of weight lifted ________

Lunges with dumbbell 3 sets of 10 reps Amount of weight lifted ________

Do all of the following back exercises:

Lat Pull Downs (machine) 3 sets of 10 reps Amount of weight lifted ________

Seated Rows (machine) 3 sets of 10 reps Amount of weight lifted ________

Upright Row 3 sets of 10 reps Amount of weight lifted ________

Do the following exercises with only 30 seconds of rest in-between each set.

Bicep Curl (Standing with dumbbell) 3 sets of 10 reps Amount of weight lifted ________

Tricep Press Down (machine) 3 sets of 10 reps Amount of weight lifted ________

You may also use the cardio equipment as an option or combine it with some weights.

Cardiovascular activity options:

Stationary Bike: Time on____________ Time off_______________

Elliptical: Time on________________ Time off_____________

****Supervisor on Duty;______________________________________________________________

Supervisor on duty must sign this before YOU can turn it into YOUR PE teacher for credit. 30 minutes is required for credit.

Do not hesitate to ask supervisor on duty any questions you may have about use of equipment or exercises.