RL-Glue In Practice

This page is dedicated to list the projects, papers, and classes that have used RL-Glue.  Please contact us if you have an example of RL-Glue in practice that we can put on this page!




Lihong Li, Michael L. Littman, and Christopher R. Mansley: Online exploration in least-squares policy iteration.  To appear in AAMAS-09, Budapest, Hungary, May, 2009.


John Asmuth, Michael L. Littman and Robert Zinkov: Potential-based Shaping in Model-based Reinforcement Learning.  AAAI 2008.

W. Bradley Knox, Ian Fasel and Peter Stone: Design Principles for Creating Human-Shapable Agents.  In AAAI Spring 2009 Symposium on Agents that Learn from Human Teachers, March 2009. AAAI Spring 2009 Symposium: Agents that Learn from Human Teachers

W. Bradley Knox and Peter Stone. TAMER: Training an Agent Manually via Evaluative Reinforcement.  In IEEE 7th International Conference on Development and Learning, August 2008. ICDL-2008 


Csáji and Monostori: Value Function Based Reinforcement Learning in Changing Markovian Environments.  Journal of Machine Learning Research 9 (2008) 1679-1709 

Steffen Nissen: Large Scale Reinforcement Learning using Q-SARSA(λ) and Cascading Neural Networks.  MSc Thesis Department of Computer Science University of Copenhagen Denmark. 2007.

Thomas J. Walsh, Ali Nouri, Lihong Li, and Michael L. Littman: Planning and learning in environments with delayed feedback.  In the Journal of Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, 18(1):83-105, 2009. A preliminary version appeared in ECML-07.

Thomas J. Walsh, Ali Nouri, Lihong Li, and Michael L. Littman: Planning and learning in environments with delayed feedback.  In ECML-07, Warsaw, Poland, September, 2007. Also appears in LNCS 4701.




University of Alberta CMPUT 609.  Instructor: Richard S. Sutton