Rob Pridemore

Health / PE


Physical Education (PE1, Advanced PE, Weight Training, & Yoga) 

These courses are designed to educate students about lifelong physical activities through a variety of activities that include individual, partner, and team-based activities.  Within the course we examine the F.I.T.T. principals (Frequency, Intensity, Time and Type) of exercise and apply them to create a goal-based curriculum of improvement.  Students are measured on their active lifestyle, ability to demonstrate complex version of movement forms, analysis and application of responsible behavior, and self-critique of personal activity.  Finally each student’s physical proficiency is measured against the National Presidential Fitness Standards based upon each individual’s age range. 

Health A Course

This required class is designed to aid the student with his/her health related decisions, both now and in the future.  The focus is on the total person integrating physical, mental, and social health components.  This class is project oriented and encourages the application of knowledge gained to each individual student’s life.

Course Goals and Objectives

Health B Course

The content of the course will be centered on answering the essential question about the meaning of health, be it physical, mental, or emotional. We will be exploring the behavioral, biological, and environmental factors that influence the health of individuals and communities. You will be encouraged to consider not only your personal health, but to examine health-related issues through a broader lens by looking at community, national, and global concerns.

Course Goals and Objectives