WINning With Mrs. Eastham

Driving Questions

How do symbols helps us understand the world around us?

How can we use symbols to represent ourselves to the world?

We have been doing a deep dive on the concept of SYMBOLS. We started out exploring colors, shapes, community signs and brand logos as symbols. We discussed what makes a good symbol and the meanings behind them. We are now working on a project creating personal symbols. Students are deciding what colors, shapes, words and designs best represent them. Then, they will create and present their symbols. Here are a few pictures of the students working through their explorations. Dr. Nathan McCann, our superintendent gave a talk on brands and logos. Mr. Roger Fisher, our HiCap specialist is also helping to expand the thinking and creativity of the students. We also looked closely at dollar bills to discover the many symbols. Here are some videos of some students explaining the symbol they made and how it represents themselves.