About Us

Worship and Service

Resurrection Parish was founded in January 1974. The School opened in 1976. Today the parish comprises the Parish Centre which is widely used by the community, the Keysborough Learning Centre (community support and adult education classes), Mission Outlet Shop (sale of religious items), Freedom Club (occasional childcare centre), Caroline Chisholm Terrace (residential units for the elderly) and our school.

The Parish Motto of "Worship and Service" extends to the school community. We are joined in an educational setting to celebrate with, support and work with one another.

Parents who choose Catholic Education wish to raise their children with Catholic values and practices. You are invited to participate in our parish community by joining us for "Worship and Service".

Parish Sacramental Program

The children from Resurrection School are privileged to belong to a Parish that takes responsibility for preparing the children for their Sacraments. Parents are encouraged to enroll their child in the Parish Sacramental program and be active participants in both the preparation and celebration. Expression of Interests for the Sacrament of Reconciliation, Eucharist, and Confirmation are taken at the end of each year.

The school has a responsibility to support and further develop the sacramental faith of our children. We do this by ensuring that students who have received the Sacrament of Eucharist continue to have opportunities to participate in this Sacrament.

Class and School Masses

There are a number of opportunities during the year for the students to plan and participate in Year Level Masses. These are celebrated in the church by one of our priests on a Thursday or Friday morning at 9.30 am. All parents and extended families are most welcome to attend. Notification will be given before the celebration.