Preschool Curriculum Overview

Biblical Studies

We not only experience a daily Bible time, but Christian instruction is integrated in all curriculum areas and play. Our curriculum, One in Christ, emphasizes a child’s relationship to God, to others, and to his/her world. Through the use of a flannel graph, vinyl graph, puppets, and other visual aids and dramatization, the Bible stories come alive for the children. Every day we sing and pray to our Savior and Friend, Jesus, who always loves and forgives us. Bible words are practiced and learned. We learn that God hears our prayers and we learn to pray for others.

Language Arts

3 year-olds

Through the use of fun games and hands-on experiences, the children are given opportunities to develop the foundation skills for reading at their own pace. These skills include: ability to follow directions, matching, visual and auditory memory, sense of sequence, visual and auditory discrimination, rhyming and a desire to read. Picture books are read daily to the children, both at story time and to individuals at free play. Name recognition is a goal. The introduction of alphabet letters in various activities is a curriculum goal however, mastery of  letters  is not expected.  Handwriting Without Tears is used for letter formation.  The Christian faith is integrated throughout various Christian stories that are read, and through rhythm and rhyme songs and finger plays. During the holidays we specifically focus on the Christmas and Easter story. 

4 and 5 year-olds

Our goal is to introduce children to pre-reading skills including, but not limited to, left-right progression, listening skills, visual and auditory memory, verbalization and vocabulary development, rhythm, opposites, same/different, and organization and development of ideas to dictate creative stories. Students experience stories during daily teacher read-aloud, as well as in opportunities to visit the listening center. The letters of the alphabet-- including recognition of upper case letters, sounds, and sequencing of the letters-- are introduced. Using the “Question of the Day,” the class is exposed to a

variety of sight words. Literature appreciation both quietly and individually and group story time are encouraged. Children will be encouraged to write words to complete simple sentences, make simple repetitive books, and title artwork. Dictated stories and class books will also be part of the writing program.  Handwriting Without Tears is used for letter formation.


3 year-olds

Number concepts are developed by engaging in activities which involve comparison, observation, sequencing, and counting real objects. Flannel graph, finger plays, and action songs are extremely important, as well as, working with concrete objects such as straws, beads, blocks, balls, bean bags, toys, etc. to play number games. Students will be introduced to pre-math skills which include one to one correspondence, sorting and classifying, simple measurement and comparison, identification of shapes, and development of simple patterns. Rote counting to ten (10) will be practiced and sets 1-10 will be introduced. Numeral recognition of 1-10 will be introduced but mastery is not expected. God gave us everything that we have, including things we can count and the shapes that we see around us. The children will learn how to use math to count and thank God for the things that He has given to us.

4 and 5 year-olds

Children will be introduced to pre-math skills which include one to one correspondence, sorting and classifying, simple measurement and comparison, identification of shapes, development of simple patterns and simple graphing and charting of information. Calendar activities will introduce numerals 1-31; however, these are not expected to be mastered. Expectations include rote counting to twenty (20) and numeral recognition 1-10.


Through the use of all our senses we discover God’s world about us. The children’s natural curiosity will be enhanced through making predictions, participating in multi-sensory exploration and hands-on experimentation. Many different units of study will be explored as they relate to themes. Field trips may include a visit to the Zoo or Aviary In-school field trips have also been provided by the Children’s Museum and the Carnegie Science Center.

Social Studies

Children will be introduced to the world around them. Encouragement to widen their view of the world from "me" to family, friends and community will be a priority. Being a servant of Christ and helping others will also be encouraged.  Simple history of our nation, our flag, and our leaders, past and present will be introduced. We invite visitors into the classroom to tell about their work in the community. At least one foreign country will be introduced, with emphasis on the country’s food, people, customs, language and religion. Some basic Spanish words will be introduced.

Physical Education

Fine Motor Skills

3 year-olds

During free play and in planned art or learning activities the children learn new fine motor skills and practice those already mastered. Coordination gradually develops as the children fix puzzles, play with play dough, build with blocks, play with the manipulative games, gluing and play rhythm sticks and instruments. We begin the first steps in cutting with scissors, often by cutting play dough or scrap pieces of paper at random at the Writing Center. Students will be encouraged to form the letters in their first names. “Handwriting Without Tears” materials are used in the classroom.

4 and 5 year-olds

Children will be encouraged to advance to their developmental level. Use of many media and activities will help promote development of small muscle coordination and fine motor skills. Children will be encouraged to do pre-writing activities and will be encouraged to form letters to label projects. “Handwriting Without Tears” materials are used in the classroom.

Gross Motor Skills

3 year-olds

 Many opportunities are offered throughout each session to practice control and enhance the development of the body. This takes place during active songs and games, exercise, and in conjunction with planned learning activities. These skills include walking, starting and stopping, marching or moving to music, hopping on two feet, running, walking on tiptoe, jumping, throwing and catching a ball, manipulating bean bags, walking on balance beam, and simple tumbling activities on a mat. Large muscles are also developed by using the playground and equipment in the Gross Motor room. Children will learn to not only eat right, but to be physically active in order to keep their bodies healthy. God has given us our bodies and wants us to take care of them.

4 and 5 year-olds

Through a wide variety of activities, children will develop body awareness, body image, body control, and body/space relationships. Large muscle coordination will be enhanced through using the playground and equipment in the Gross Motor room.


We use art as a means of self-expression, discovery, enjoyment, and accomplishment. We encourage experimenting and creating with many types of media: tempera paints, finger paints, water colors, play dough, paper, collage materials, colored tissue paper, yarn, cloth, glue, sponges, crayons, and markers. We also offer many craft activities to develop fine motor skills or learning skills, but we encourage creativity as much as possible. Creative self-expression will be encouraged with the process being more important that the product. Creative expression is also encouraged in dramatic play and field trips have been  taken to the Pittsburgh International Children’s Theater.


We surround the children with music. It is integrated into the overall learning experiences of each day for enjoyment and communication. Music is used for getting acquainted, transitions, giving directions, quieting groups, developing cognitive skills, gross motor development, developing listening skills and auditory perception, and most important, praising God. They learn about God’s love and people in the Bible through song. Activities include singing, rhythmic activities, musical games, playing rhythm instruments, creative movement, action songs, and finger plays. Songs of praise, songs for enjoyment, fun echo and

response songs, simple rhythm games and movement to music will be included. Children will also be introduced to rhythm instruments. Field trips have been  taken to the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra Tiny Tots performance.