Booking Kits

There are two types of physical PAA Kits available for booking: 1) MYPAA Kits from CRP (closed for the 2022/23 school year. and, 2) PAA Tech Kits from SaskCode. The two types have different booking methods. Please see below.

UPDATE: Effective immediately, schools should return the kits to division office, not CRP

MYPAA Kits from CRP

Kits Available for Booking

(Click on the kit for more information and teaching materials.)

Grade 6

  1. Chess Boards - Math/Art

  2. Circuit Boards (Snap Circuits Manual) - Science

  3. Delta Darts (Flight) - Science

  4. Kites (Flight) - Science (Per Student Fee of $3 for commercial kite kit, or create your own for free!)

  5. Sewing - Cross-curricular

Grade 7

  1. Cribbage Boards - Math Safety Session Required

  2. Wood Burning - Cross-curricular

  3. Aestheometry (String Art) - Art/Careers

Grade 8

  1. Hydraulic Bridge Building - Science

Kits are fully booked for 2022/23 school year

SaskCode Technology/Coding Kits

SaskCode and Other Tech Kits

(If you would like to book or get more information about the Tech kits please email:

Grade 6, 7 and 8

  1. TinkerCad (3D design, virtual circuit boards, block coding--all online, no kits needed)

  2. Arduino (SaskCode grades 7 and 8) - PD required

  3. Micro:bit (SaskCode robots, microcontrollers, programing) PD required

  4. 3D Printing ( in conjunction with TinkerCad 3D Design) PD required

The SaskCode kits require a PD training session. See this link for PD information, or email

The 3D printer kits require a short training session at division office. Please email for more information.

Looking for More Kits?

Click here for a list of virtual kits (PAA ideas and resources for download)