This Course; The purpose of this course (and it's "prequil") is designed to prepare students for the type of math they can expect to see when they get to college. Every unit (every lesson) of the course starts off very easy with the assumption that the students know almost nothing about the topic and then ramps up to college or near-college levels of difficulty. Tests and quizzes will be announced to students in advance and most tests will be reviewed both before and after to maximize understanding. As a teacher, it is disturbing for me to hear of students who can't be what they want in life because they can't get through the basic math courses necessary to complete college. The trades, businesses, even the arts require the math and the thinking skills we will learn in this course.

Support for My Students; Preprinted board notes are distributed in class daily to aid students in following along and to aleviate stress due to student transcription errors. For those who are being supported by a parent, tutor or resource professional, the class notes will be available upon request in Smart Notebook file form. Once downloaded, these files can be opened using a Smart Notebook viewer.

Additionally, these courses are based on the college textbook shown at the right. If desired, a copy may be signed out to a student for use by any supporting who is helping the student. Practice work will be assigned daily but most will likely be finished in class. The classwork not finished in class, must be completed outside of class and will be checked the next day to ensure it is completed.

Support for Parents; An email distribution list has been set up from the guardian contacts list in our district database. I will make every effort to email parents on this list in advance of tests to let them know that their child should be studying for the test. Also, if your child was added to my class roster after the list was compiled, I may have missed adding you manually. Please email me directly to let me know. Due to student security and privacy rights, I can only add an email address to my list if it is in our district's database.

The best way to contact me is by email; with a good time to call you back if necessary.

The syllabus distributed in class follows:

01 402M Course Syllabus and Guidelines Rev 7.docx