Accident Repair
Quality can ease the burden from handling an accident requiring truck auto body collision
repairs including frame and paint repair for a tractor, heavy equipment, RV, or bus.
Obtaining Quality's Damage Report
A detailed, itemized report of accident damage will be provided This will assist you in making an insurance claim and authorizing the repair.
Some shops will give you a quick, lump sum, unclear estimate which will cause confusion and misunderstandings. Quality Collision East will do things properly from the beginning to help you return your vehicle to service quickly. Prompt response for unpredictable emergencies is what Quality Collision East will provide.
For small incidents, have someone drop in during normal business hours for an inspection and photos. Within 10-15 minutes they can be back on the job and you will receive a written damage report by fax.
When significant damage has occurred, Quality Collision East can arrange to inspect the vehicle at its location, normally within 24 hours. While inspection at your site is convenient, the most complete and accurate reports are made when Quality Collision East has the vehicle in our shop and Quality Collision East is able to use our tools and various personnel to make a proper analysis.
Accident Claims Settlement
Having the vehicle at our shop enables us and and outside inspections to take place quickly and completely, so that a repair cost and procedure agreement is arrived at promptly with the insurer. Quality Collision East's reputation for accurate and fair reports and proper repairs enable us to reach agreements which reflect what you, our customer is entitled to and which an insurer can be comfortable with as appropriate.
Accident Repair Process
Having provided you with a report reflecting Quality Collision East's collision repair experience and abilities, prompt efficient repairs proceed routinely at Quality Collision East. Vehicle parts that can and should be repaired will be. Parts that need replacement will be replaced as agreed. If parts will take too long to receive from suppliers, Quality Collision East will attempt to obtain them before we take in your drivable vehicle and have it sit. You will be informed about the progress of repairs and any newly discovered problems. We pride ourselves on making as few as possible unanticipated additions to our damage report.