Kindergarten Handbook

21st Century Learning:

I believe technology is a highly motivating, interactive tool that can be used to personalize students’ instruction according to their learning styles, interests, and readiness. Web resources and digital media help shape and deliver instruction to meet the needs of all students, assist in the improvement of student thinking and understanding, provide for research and presentation products, and improve communication and collaboration. 

What Is 21st Century Learning and Citizenship All About?


Here is a listening game parents can play with their kindergartner that will develop their child's phonemic awareness.


Phonics is one of the primary building blocks of reading. Without an understanding of the relationship between letters and sounds, reading cannot occur. This multifaceted connection between print and pronunciation is an important component of any instructional program in reading because it provides readers with tools for discovering new written words.

What is phonics?

Simply put, phonics is the connection between graphemes (letter symbols) and sounds. Because we have been readers for a good portion of our lives this relationship seems apparent and common sense. However, in reality there is no natural connection between words and their meanings. For example, there is nothing innately “cup-like” about the word “cup”. Even more, the written letters making up the word “cup” do not reflect anything about an actual cup. The word and its written form are agreed upon by English speakers and thus must be learned in order to communicate. (Source )

The SECRET STORIES is a multi-modal, brain-based teaching ‘bag-of-tricks’ that transforms the reading and writing abilities of primary and struggling, intermediate grade learners. Through visual, auditory, and kinesthetic means, the SECRET STORIES activates every learning channel and personally connect learners to the skills. Because there is no inherent meaning with regard to letters and the sounds they make, reading, writing, and spelling can be very difficult to teach, and even more difficult to learn. The seemingly endless array of phonemic letter patterns and sounds can appear random and overwhelming to beginning and struggling readers alike, unless they know the ‘grown-up’ reading and writing SECRETS… the logical explanations for why letters make the sounds that they do!  (Source: )