Tutoring and Math Help

Math Help

Help from Mrs. Hodder


Additional Math Help:

Pinnacle Tutoring List: The Pinnacle Counseling department has a full list that outlines all the options that Pinnacle has to offer. You can access this list from the Parent Resources tab on the left, or a list can be picked up anytime from the counseling office.

Peer Tutoring: The counseling office has a list of students who have been approved through an application process for peer tutoring. If you are interested in a peer tutor, please contact the counseling office for the current list of approved students.

Supervised Study Club: Meets Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursdays from 2:10-3:00 in C-115 (C-Lecture Hall). You can pick up a registration packet from the front office.

NHS Tutoring: National Honors Society offers free tutoring before school in the ITC. Students can just drop in the ITC for help.

Professional Math Tutors:

Ms. Bonifasi, (chbonifasi@pvlearners.net) Pinnacle Room #C103

Ms. Owens, (jowens@pvlearners.net) Pinnacle Room #C124

Ms. Hatch, (jhatch@pvlearners.net) Pinnacle Room #C120

Mrs. Kirchner, (skirchner@pvlearners.net) Pinnacle Room #C121

Mr. Kilburn, (dkilburn@pvlearners.net) Pinnacle Room #C125