Grades/Infinite Campus

To get to Infinite Campus click on the web below.

This will take you to the authentication portal.

Then click on the button that says infinite campus

Log in with your password and user name

Click on grades


Grades: 45% Test and Quiz, 55%-Labs, HW, Projects, Activities, classwork

A 90% - 100%

B 80% - 89%

C 70% - 79%

D 60% - 69%

F 59% or below

If you see the words missing, the item was not turned in

If you see an "I" it means the work was turned in but was incomplete

If you see a blank with no grade, this means the work still needs graded or entered.

If you see a L this means that the work was turned late, and will 30% will be deducted.

I will except late work until the end of that unit or the end of the quarter depending on which one comes first.

Also if you turn in late work do not expect it to be in the system right away. The work was late and I will grade current work prior to grading late work.

Extra Credit

The best way to keep your grade up is to turn in the required assignments on time and to study for quizzes/tests. In the science notebook there will be a section in the back of the notebook titled “What I Learned Today and Shared With Someone”. The student will need to share with a family member or any adult, something new they learned in science on that day. They can complete one entry every school day. The person they shared the information with will need to write a brief description (1-2 sentences) on what they learned from them, and then sign and date it. Each day the student can complete one entry. They will receive one extra credit point, that can be used in an area of need. If the student forgets to complete an entry on that day, they are not able to go back and complete it the next day. Student can also hold onto their points until they need them. This process will be explained in detail to the students. This is an excellent way for the students to review the information they learned, and a good way for parents and family members to be included and informed on what topics are being taught.