Behavior Management

During the first few weeks of school, we will have many opportunities to learn and practice appropriate first grade behavior.

Here are our classroom rules:

1. Listen when your teacher or classmates are talking.

2. Follow directions the first time, every time.

3. Raise your hand to speak.

4. Keep your hands and feet to yourself.

5. SOAR at school: Be safe, open minded, always kind, and responsible.

Positive Behaviors

· Listening when the teacher or another classmate is talking

· Following directions quickly

· Being respectful to others

· Putting forth effort on classroom assignments

· Being a positive role model

Redirected Behaviors

· Excessive talking

· Not following directions

· Being disrespectful to teacher or classmates

· Off task behavior (i.e.: out of seat, playing, incomplete work)

· Inappropriate use of hands/ feet

Students will receive SOAR cards for positive behavior and warnings for redirected behaviors.

Students who receive three warnings in one day will receive a Home School Communication Form to take home, get signed, and return. If your child goes home with a Home School Communication Form, I will reach out via email or phone call to discuss the day.

Your child will also be praised for positive behavior. If I notice your child showing kindness, working hard, following our rules, or any other super behavior, they will earn a SOAR card. SOAR cards can be given at any point during the school day to reward good behavior. The students will collect SOAR cards in a classroom pocket chart. Soar cards will be entered into weekly, monthly, and quarterly drawings for some awesome prizes!

Thank you for supporting proper behavior at school. Good behavior benefits all, as it helps provide a positive learning environment for everyone. Behavior management occurs when students know that parents and teachers are working together to promote learning!