Science Fiction

Science fiction is a genre of fiction dealing with imaginary, but more or less plausible content such as future settings, futuristic technology, space travels, aliens, etc. Exploring the consequences of scientific innovations is one purpose if science fiction, making it a “literature of ideas." Science fiction writers show us things that might, or might never, be. See below for more information on what a true science fiction story should be. It is strongly recommended that you read a science fiction story or two before trying to write your own!

Science fiction stories must be submitted a week in advance.  When you submit, you should be sure to include your name in the email so we can be sure to match it up with your registration. PDF format is preferred, but we can handle just about any electronic document format. If it's really obscure, we'll follow up with you!


As in all categories, the general requirements must be followed for this category as well, including some form of display for the day of the event. This display may include :   

Media and Format

This category includes presentations in the form of stories, graphic novels, comic books, plays, videos, etc

An Entry in this category will be reviewed and judged on the following criteria:

Here are some frequently asked questions about science fiction:

What is science fiction? 

In order for a story to qualify as science fiction, science or technology must play a necessary role in the fiction. Most authors focus on the invention of a technology that allows the story's character to do things that were not possible at the time the story was written. For today's world that might be uploading to a virtual world that only exists inside a computer or going back in time. In most science fiction, the writer asks "what if?" The author explores how an invention or idea might affect individuals or change societies (can you say Jurassic Park?). 

What about fictional science?

Pseudoscience--ideas or technologies that sound scientific but are not--may substitute for real science in science fiction stories. Magic, however, is not allowed. If magic is present, the story becomes fantasy. 

Did you know? Frankenstein by Mary Shelley is considered the first science fiction novel ever written!

Some famous science fiction authors whose stories you might want to read: H.G. Wells, Jules Verne, Isaac Asimov, Ray Bradbury, Arthur C. Clarke. More modern authors are: Octavia E. Butler, Ursula L. Le Guin, Robert Heinlein, Veronica Roth (Divergent series).