Thank you Page

Thank You Helpers from Team 4 Pes on Vimeo.

Thank you to: Mrs Talia for transporting the kids to places and Mrs Samuels too for driving the kids too also Ms Edwards. Mr Leuila for cooking all day and being security all night for 2 days! Mr Samuels also was a security. Mrs Hopa who was the chef and which she made good food with the staff. Melissa has been a big help she was a group helper(she wasn’t in my group but she is cool). So Thank you all.

From Gloria

Thank you Mum for cooking and driving, and thank you Dad for doing security at night. I never thought that I would see you at camp.

Love Levi

Dear parent helpers I want to say a big thank you to Mr Leuila for making us food and being on security. I liked how Miss M was helping us with the marsh mallows and the biscuits, but lucky Mr Leuila put a pan on the fire. I also want to say thank you to Mr Samuels for being on security as well.

From Uili

Dear Mrs Samuels thank you for helping the year 5 and 6 camp. I hope you come and help us again.

Love from Shanika