浅井 智久 / Tomo ASAI [Ph.D.]
1980年 東京生まれ
1999年 早稲田高等学校卒業
2001年~2003年 東京大学 教養学部文科Ⅲ類
2003年~2005年 東京大学 文学部心理学専攻 [佐藤隆夫研究室] →学士(文学)
2005年~2007年 東京大学 総合文化研究科修士課程 [丹野義彦研究室] →修士(学術)
2007年~2010年 東京大学 総合文化研究科博士課程 [丹野義彦研究室] →博士(学術)
独立行政法人 日本学術振興会特別研究員DC1
2010年~2013年 千葉大学 文学部 [若林明雄研究室]
独立行政法人 日本学術振興会特別研究員SPD
2013年~2017年 NTTコミュニケーション科学基礎研究所RA
2017年〜現在 ATR認知機構研究所 専任研究員(→ 2021年〜,主任研究員)
Asai+ (2023)
Asai+ (2022)
Ohata+ (2022)
浅井 (2022)
共同研究者チーム (2021)
浅井智久・丹野義彦(2006). 聴覚フィードバックとセルフエージェンシー感の関係:モーターコマンド理論に基づいた検討. パーソナリティ研究, 14, 322-323.(PDF)
浅井智久・丹野義彦(2006). 統合失調型と視聴覚運動情報の統合の関係:ディスコネクション仮説に基づいた検討. パーソナリティ研究, 15, 64-66.(PDF)
浅井智久・丹野義彦(2007). 自己主体感における自己行為の予測と結果の関係:行為主判別に対する学習課題を用いた検討. パーソナリティ研究, 16, 56-65.(PDF)
浅井智久・丹野義彦(2007). 統合失調型パーソナリティと視聴覚に同時呈示した運動情報統合の関係. 認知心理学研究, 5, 33-41.(PDF)
浅井智久・丹野義彦(2007). 統合失調症の認知神経心理学的研究から見た自己意識-自己モニタリングと sense of agency -. 心理学評論,50,371-383.(PDF)
浅井智久・高野慶輔・杉森絵里子・丹野義彦(2009). 自己主体感を測定する尺度の開発と因子構造の探索. 心理学研究, 80, 414-421.(PDF)
浅井智久・丹野義彦(2010). 声の中の自己と他者―幻聴の自己モニタリング仮説―. 心理学研究, 81. 247-261. (PDF)
浅井智久・山内貴史・杉森絵里子・坂東奈緒子・丹野義彦(2010). 統合失調型パーソナリティと統合失調症の連続性. 心理学評論, 53, 240-261.(PDF).
浅井智久・今水寛(2011). 統合失調症と内部モデル. 臨床精神医学, 40, 435-449.
浅井智久 (2011). 統合失調症の身体イメージ. Clinical Neuroscience, 29, 948-949.
浅井智久 (2019). 主観主義的精神病理学:自己と世界と幻覚・妄想. 心理学評論, 62, 5-15.(PDF)
杉森絵里子・浅井智久・丹野義彦 (2009). 健常者用幻聴様体験尺度(AHES)の作成および信頼性・妥当性の検討. 心理学研究, 80, 389-396.
上野真弓・高野慶輔・浅井智久・丹野義彦 (2010). 日本語版オックスフォード統合失調型パーソナリティ尺度の信頼性と妥当性.パーソナリティ研究, 18, 161-164.
飯島雄大・佐々木淳・坂東奈緒子・浅井智久・毛利伊吹・丹野義彦 (2010). 日本語版Schizotypal Personality Questionnaire の作成と統合失調型パーソナリティにおける因子構造の検討. 行動療法研究, 36, 29-41.
丹野義彦・浅井智久 (2010). 臨床心理学と基礎的心理学の協調は欧米のトレンドである-統合失調型パーソナリティの認知心理学研究を中心に-. 基礎心理学研究, 29, 43-46
今泉修・浅井智久・高橋英彦・今水寛 (2019). 主体感の認知神経機構. 精神医学, 61, 541–549.
田中彰吾・浅井智久・金山範明・今泉修・弘光健太郎 (2019). 心身脳問題:からだを巡る冒険. 心理学研究, 90, 520-539.
Asai, T., Sugimori, E., & Tanno, Y. (2008). A Secret of Hypnosis: A Dynamic Rubber Hand Illusion. Nature Precedings, 10101/npre.2008.2276.1.
Asai, T. Imaizumi, S. & Imamizu, H. (2019). The self as a generative, teleological, and subjective prior: Mutually-modulated temporal agency. bioRxiv, https://doi.org/10.1101/519934
Asai, T. (2019). Sine Qua Non of Self: The Triple Prerequisites in Sensory Attenuation. PsyArXiv, https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/k4vrq
Asai, T. Kashihara, S. Chiyohara, S. Hiromitsu, K. & Imamizu, H. (2023). Spatio-temporal “global” neurodynamics of the human brain in continuous and discrete picture: Simple statistics meet on-manifold microstates as multi-level cortical attractors. bioRxiv, doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2023.07.13.548951.
Asai, T., Sugimori, E., & Tanno, Y. (2011). Auditory verbal hallucination in schizophrenic patients and the general population: The sense of agency in speech. In Meredith S. Payne (Ed.), Hallucinations: Types, Stages and Treatments. NY: Nova Science Publishers. (PDF)
Asai, T., Sugimori, E., & Tanno, Y. (2011). Schizotypal personality traits: auditory hallucination-like experiences and atypical hemispheric lateralization. In Melissa E. Jordan (Ed.), Personality Traits: Theory, Testing and Influence. NY: Nova Science Publishers.
Imaizumi, S., Asai, T., & Miyazaki, M. (2021). Cross-referenced body and action for the unified self: empirical, developmental, and clinical perspectives. In Y. Ataria, S. Tanaka, & S. Gallagher (Eds.), Body schema and body image. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
浅井智久・濱本孝仁・今水寛 (2021). 脳波における全脳状態を定義する計算法,特定の状態を検出するアルゴリズム,被験者にリアルタイムでその検出をフィードバックするシステム (特願2021-115283).
浅井智久・柏原志保・今水寛 (2022). 全脳の状態遷移を定義する計算法,標準空間に各状態を布置させるアルゴリズム,リアルタイムで状態遷移を可視化するシステム(特願2022-145247).
Asai, T., & Tanno, Y. (2007). The relationship between the sense of self-agency and schizotypal personality traits. Journal of Motor Behavior, 39, 162-168.(PDF)
Asai, T., & Tanno, Y. (2008). Highly schizotypal students have a weaker sense of self-agency. Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, 62, 115-119.(PDF)
Asai, T., Sugimori, E., & Tanno, Y. (2008). Schizotypal personality traits and prediction of one's own movements in motor control: What causes an abnormal sense of agency? Consciousness and Cognition, 17, 1131-1142.(PDF)
Asai, T. & Tanno, Y. (2009). Schizotypy and handedness in Japanese participants; revisited. Laterality, 14, 86-94.(PDF)
Asai, T., Sugimori, E., & Tanno, Y. (2009). Schizotypal personality traits and atypical lateralization in motor and language functions. Brain and Cognition, 71, 26-37. (PDF)
Asai, T., Sugimori, E., & Tanno, Y. (2010). Two agents in the brain: Motor control of unimanual and bimanual reaching movements. PLoS ONE, 5, e10086. (PDF)
Asai, T., Sugimori, E., Bando, N., & Tanno, Y. (2011). The hierarchic structure in schizotypy and the five-factor model of personality. Psychiatry Research, 185, 78-83. (PDF)
Asai, T., Sugimori, E., & Tanno, Y. (2011). Schizotypal personality traits: Auditory hallucination-like experiences and atypical hemispheric lateralization. Advances in Psychology Research, 74, 127-143. (PDF)
Asai, T., Sugimori, E., & Tanno, Y. (2011). A psychometric approach to the relationship between hand-foot preference and auditory hallucinations in the general population: Atypical cerebral lateralization may cause an abnormal sense of agency. Psychiatry Research, 189, 220-227. (PDF)
Asai, T., Mao, Z., Sugimori, E., & Tanno, Y. (2011). Rubber hand illusion, empathy, and schizotypal experiences in terms of self-other representations. Consciousness and Cognition, 20, 1744-1750.(PDF)
Asai, T., Sugimori, E., & Tanno, Y. (2012). The body knows what it should do: Automatic motor compensation for illusory heaviness contagion. Frontiers in Psychology, 3, 244. (PDF)
Asai, T. & Kanayama, N. (2012). “Cutaneous rabbit” hops toward a light: Unimodal and cross-modal causality on the skin. Frontiers in Psychology, 3, 427.(PDF)
Asai, T. & Tanno, Y. (2013). Why must we attribute our own action to ourselves? Auditory hallucination like-experiences as the results both from the explicit self-other attribution and implicit regulation in speech. Psychiatry Research, 2007, 179-188. (PDF)
Asai, T. (2015). Illusory body-ownership entails automatic compensative movement: for the unified representation between body and action. Experimental Brain Research, 233, 777-785 (PDF)
Asai, T. (2015). Feedback control of one's own action: self-other sensory attribution in motor control. Consciousness and Cognition, 38, 118-129.(PDF)
Asai, T. (2016). Agency elicits body-ownership: proprioceptive drift toward a synchronously acting external proxy. Experimental Brain Research, 234, 1163-74. (PDF)
Asai, T., Kanayama, N., Imaizumi, S., Koyama, S., & Kaganoi, S. (2016). Development of embodied sense of self scale (ESSS): Exploring everyday experiences induced by anomalous self-representation. Frontiers in Psychology, 7, 1005. (PDF)
Asai, T. (2016). Self is “other”, other is “self”: poor self-other discriminability explains schizotypal twisted agency judgment. Psychiatry Research, 246, 593-600.(PDF)
Asai, T. (2017). Know thy agency in predictive coding: Meta-monitoring over forward modeling. Consciousness and Cognition, 51, 82-99. (PDF)
Asai, T., Hamamoto, T., Kashihara, S., & Imamizu, H. (2022). Real-Time Detection and Feedback of Canonical Electroencephalogram Microstates: Validating a Neurofeedback System as a Function of Delay. Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience, 16, 786200.(PDF)
Sugimori, E., Asai, T. & Tanno,Y. (2011). Sense of agency over speech and proneness to auditory hallucinations: The reality monitoring paradigm. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 64, 169-185.
Sugimori, E., Asai, T. & Tanno,Y. (2011). Sense of agency over thought: External misattribution of thought in a memory task and proneness to auditory hallucination. Consciousness and Cognition, 20, 688-695.
Sugimori, E., Asai, T. & Tanno,Y. (2013). The potential link between sense of agency and output monitoring over speech. Consciousness and Cognition, 22, 360-374.
Kanemoto, M., Asai, T., Sugimori. E. & Tanno,Y. (2013). External misattribution of internal thoughts and proneness to auditory hallucinations: the effect of emotional valence in the Deese–Roediger–McDermott paradigm. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 7, 351.
Imaizumi, S., Asai, T., Kanayama, N., Kawamura, M. & Koyama, S. (2014). Agency over a phantom limb and electromyographic activity on the stump depend on visuomotor synchrony: a case study. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 8, 545.
Sugimori, E. & Asai, T. (2015). Attribution of movement: Potential links between subjective reports of agency and output monitoring. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 68. 900-916.
Ujiie, Y., Asai, T., Tanaka, A. & Wakabayashi, A. (2015). The McGurk effect and autistic traits; an analogue perspective. Letters on Evolutionary Behavioral Science, 6, 9-12.
Ujiie, Y., Asai, T. & Wakabayashi, A. (2015). The relationship between level of autistic traits and local bias in the context of the McGurk effect. Frontiers in Psychology, 6, 891.
Imaizumi, S. & Asai, T. (2015). Dissociation of agency and body ownership following visuomotor temporal recalibration. Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience. 9, 35.
Izawa, J., Asai, T. & Imamizu, H. (2016). Computational motor control as a window to understanding schizophrenia. Neuroscience Research, 104. 44-51.
Imaizumi, S., Asai, T., & Koyama, S. (2016). Embodied prosthetic arm stabilizes body posture, while unembodied one perturbs it. Consciousness and Cognition, 45, 75-88.
Kondo, H. M., Farkas, D., Denham, S., Asai, T., & Winkler, I. (2017). Auditory multistability and neurotransmitter concentrations in the human brain. Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological sciences, 372(1714).
Imaizumi, S., & Asai, T. (2017). My action lasts longer: Potential link between subjective time and agency during voluntary action. Consciousness and Cognition, 51, 243-257.
Kanayama, N., Asai, T., Nakao, T., Makita, K., Kozuma, R., Uyama, T., Yamane, T., Kadota, H., & Yamawaki, S. (2017). Subjectivity of the Anomalous Sense of Self is Represented in Gray Matter Volume in the Brain. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 11, 232.
Imaizumi, S., Asai, T., & Koyama, S. (2017). Agency over phantom limb enhanced by short-term mirror therapy. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 11, 483.
Ujiie, Y., Asai, T. & Wakabayashi, A. (2018). Individual Differences and the Effect of Face Configuration Contexts in the McGurk Effect. Experimental Brain Research, 236, 973-984.
Imaizumi, S., Asai, T., Hiromitsu, K., Imamizu, H. (2018). Voluntarily controlled but not merely observed visual feedback affects postural sway. PeerJ, 6, e4643.
Hiromitsu, K., Asai, T., Saito, S., Shigemune, Y., Hamamoto, K., Shinoura, N., Yamada, R., & Midorikawa, A. (2018). Measuring the Sense of Self in Brain-damaged Patients. Medicine, 97, e12156.
Tajadura-Jiménez, A., Deroy, O., Marquardt, T., Bianchi-Berthouze, N., Asai, T., Kimura, T., & Kitagawa, N. (2018). Audio-tactile cues from an object's fall change estimates of one's body height. PLoS One, 13, e0199354.
Miyazaki, M., Asai, T., & Mugitani, R (2019). Touching! An augmented reality system for unveiling face topography in very young children. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 13, 189.
Ohata, R., Asai, T., Kadota, H., Shigemasu H., Ogawa K., & Imamizu, H.. (2020). Sense of agency beyond sensorimotor process: Decoding self-other action attribution in the human brain. Cerebral Cortex, 30, 4076–4091.
Ohata, R., Asai, T., Imaizumi, S., & Imamizu, H. (2022). I Hear My Voice; Therefore I Spoke: The Sense of Agency Over Speech Is Enhanced by Hearing One’s Own Voice. Psychological Science, 33, 1226-1239.
Tamano, R., Ogawa, T., Katagiri, A., Cai, C., Asai, T. & Kawanabe, M (2022) Event-related microstate dynamics represents working memory performance, NeuroImage, 263, 119669.