Library Policies & Expectations

James Workman Middle School 

 Library Policies & Expectations

Teacher Librarian – Angela Gallacher  ext. 1465,

Library Technician – TBD  ext. 1465

 Mon/Tues/Thurs/Friday: 12:30 pm - 1:00 pm;  Wednesdays: 11:19 am - 11:49 am 

**Note: This is subject to change if classes are scheduled to visit during these times**

Links to Library Forms, Webpages, etc… :

Bringing Your Classes To The Library:

Chromebook Policies / Procedures:

Passes to the Library

Laminating & Poster Maker

Hot Spots:

Tech Issues Procedure: Please use the following link to submit a work order for all district technology issues: Tech Work Orders.  This will ensure that your request will be put in our ETIS Tech’s queue. If you need help with this please contact the library staff.