Pregame!  Follow the link and test what you already know about citation.

Links to Citation Information:

Play the Citation Game (University of Washington)

Play The  Citation Game

EBSCOhost is a research database that provides users full-text scholarly articles that can be viewed, saved, printed, and you can conveniently export citations.  This tool is used regularly in college and universities and is a valuable resource at your disposal at CCHS!  Here is one of many how to use tutorials available on EBSCO:

EBSCO Tutorial.mp4

Introduction to the IB CAS:

Introduction to CAS*

Activity Proposal Map:  Click on link to access your Activity Proposal Map.  Make sure you have the IB Coordinator and your advisor sign the form.  You will want to upload the completed for into your CAS Portfolio as part of your evidence.

CCHS CAS Adviser/Student Handbook

IA Links:
