Embryological Development

Analyze displays of pictorial data to compare patterns of similarities in the embryological development across multiple species to identify relationships not evident in the fully formed anatomy. (MS_LS4-3) 

Vocabulary: embryo, homologous, analogous, tetrapod, amphibians, metamorphosis, vertebrates, invertebrates, embryology.  

Google Doc Worksheet

1. What is embryological development

Interactive: Guess the Embryo 

launch the interactive and answer the questions below

a. Embryo in question: Which animal is the first embryo? Fish, dog, bear, mouse?

b. Second embryo?

c. Third embryo?

d. Fourth embryo?

2. Watch the movie above and answer the Edpuzzle questions on your worksheet.

3. Lesson: Embryological Development

Watch the Edpuzzle movie and put the answers to the questions in the Google Doc

4. Go to the  "OneZoom Tree of Life Explorer" and answer the following questions

        a. Click Explore: Mammals. What part of the tree comes up? 

        b. Click on Rodents, Primates, and more. What animals come up?

        c. Explore the tree, what did you learn?  

Activity: The Zoo of You

Watch the movie and answer the Edpuzzle questions in the Google Doc.

5. Open the Google Doc and fill in the Venn Diagram. 

6. Watch the movie below and answer the questions in the Google Doc.

7. How are tetrapod limbs similar to each other? What does tetra mean? 

Watch the movie and answer the questions in the Google Doc

8. Give an example of a homologous structure in insects.

Fun Quiz: Homologous Structures (Sign in with Google) 

9. What can happen to homologous structures of different species over time?

10. Using the above information, why are tetrapods and octopus limbs not homologous?

11. Adventure Quest Backpack: Compare and contrast the embryological development of a frog and a snake. Include pictures of both animals as they develop. In your pictures label the similarities and differences. Use any app in your Google Drive and share it with your science teacher.  

     Put the answers in the Google Doc.