Scientific Objectives

Main goal of the project:

The present proposal aims to develop a functional model of MFCs, efficient for bioenergy production and wastewater treatment. Our approach to improve the power output and wastewater treatment efficiency is based on the use of advanced carbon based materials in the MFCs electrode design and an improved reactor configuration. The novelty of the proposal is related to the use the latest developments on advanced carbon based materials for electrode design, use of 3D configuration for electrode design and their performance in MFCs using improved reactor configurations.

The scientific objectives of the proposal are:

O.1.Development of advanced carbon based materials

A.1.1. Development of advanced carbon based materials using existing synthesis protocol

O2. Improved design of anodes and reactor for MFCs . Evaluation of MFCs performance for bioenergy production and wastewater treatment.

A.2.1. Design of planar and 3D MFC anodes using advanced carbon based materials

A.2.2. Improved MFCs design to accommodate novel planar and 3D anodes.

A.2.3. Biocompatibility assay& Biofilm investigation.

A.2.4. Evaluation MFCs performance for wastewater treatment and bioenergy production

O.3. Development of functional models of MFCs (laboratory scale)

A 3.1. Critical analysis of factor influencing the MFCs performance

A.3.2. Realization of functional model of MFCs