PLC Resources

Welcome to the PLC Resources website! Here you'll find a wide array of resources that will help you enter and dig into the world of Self-Directed Education. Coordinating your own learning is a major enterprise, but with the help of your mentor, the PLC community, and the resources listed here you'll have the tools to make the most of all of the opportunities that are out there.

The sidebar to the left contains a list of the different categories of resources we've put together. Some will let you know more about life at PLC, and others offer information about educational options in the world beyond PLC. You might take advantage of these as a PLC member, or they might provide you with a destination as you transition into the next phase of your life's journey.

We hope you'll find the resources we've compiled to be useful and inspiring. And when you run across new resources that you find helpful, please let us know so that we can incorporate them into the site!