Athletics/Extracurricular Activities

Middle School Philosophy

All middle school athletic programs shall function under educationally oriented coaches, will be properly administered, and will be viewed as a means to an end and not the end in itself. The total development of the student program will be conducted within the letter and spirit of all applicable rules and regulations.

The explicit goal of all competitive sports is to win within the rules. However, that is by no means the only measure of success. Of greater and lasting value is the development of the individual as measured by character, competence, civility, and citizenship.

Pleasant Plains Middle School encourages all students to participate in athletics. A goal of the middle school is to make an opportunity available to all students who wish to play, although resources, athletic ability and student interest may limit access. In determining how many teams to field or how many students will comprise a team, the coach must consider safety, athletic ability, facility availability, and quality of instruction. When necessary team tryouts will be limit the number of participants. Playing time is not guaranteed and will be determined by the athlete’s skill development, team commitment, personal responsibility, attitude, and safety.

In an effort to recognize the developmental differences both cognitively and physically between age groups in the middle school, different expectations are outlined for sixth grade athletics.

Fall Sports

Winter Sports

Spring Sports