Selected Publications

Most Recent Books

Bioethics: What Everyone Needs To Know.  Co-authored with Bonnie Steinbock. Oxford University Press, 2023. OUP link: .

Voluntarily Stopping Eating and Drinking: A Compassionate, Widely Available Option for Hastening Death. Co-edited and authored with Timothy E. Quill, Thaddeus M. Pope, and Judith K Schwarz. Oxford University Press, 2021.  OUP link: 

Prevention vs. Treatment: What’s the Right Balance? Co-edited with Halley S. Faust. Oxford University Press, 2012.  OUP link: .  Book Abstract [link to PDF document].  Table of Contents [link to PDF document].   Abstracts of all chapters [link to PDF document].  The book includes two chapters by Menzel, “The Variable Value of Life and Fairness to the Already Ill: Two Promising but Tenuous Arguments for Treatment’s Priority,” pp. 194-218, and “Should the Value of Future Health Benefits Be Time-Discounted?” pp. 245-273. 

Some of the Most Recent Other Publications

“How Should Willingness-to-Pay Values of Quality-Adjusted Life-Years Be Updated and According to Whom?” (Case Commentary).  AMA Journal of Ethics 23: 8 (August 2021): E601-606. Doi.10.1001/amajethics.2021.601.

“Advance Directives for Dementia Can Survive Altered Preferences” (peer commentary), American Journal of Bioethics 20:8 (August 2020): 80-82. DOI:10.1080/15265161.2020.1781963.

“Justifying a Surrogate’s Request to Forego Oral Feeding” (commentary on case), American Journal of Bioethics 19: 1: 92-94 (January 2019). DOI: 10.1080/15265161.2018.1544307.

“Advance Directives for Refusing Lifesaving Treatment in Dementia” (with B. Steinbock, co-author), Hastings Center Report 48: S3 (Sept-Oct 2018): S75-S79.  

“Voluntarily Stopping Eating and Drinking: A Normative Comparison with Refusing Lifesaving Treatment and Advance Directives.” Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics 45: 4 (winter 2017): 634-646. Available as "Menzel, VSED Comparison..." PDF below.     

“Controlling the End-Game of Dementia” (with M.C. Chandler-Cramer), Bioethics Forum (online), The Hastings Center, February 3, 2015:

"Advance Directives, Dementia, and Withholding Food and Water by Mouth" (with co-author M. Colette Chandler-Cramer), Hastings Center Report 44: 3 (May-June 2014): 23-37. [link to PDF abstract and DOI]

Journal, News Media, Web Publications (ascending chronological order)

"How Should What Economists Call 'Social Values' Be Measured?" The Journal of Ethics 3: 3 (1999): 249-273. [link to PDF document]

"Justice and the Basic Structure of Health-Care Systems." In R Rhodes, M Battin, and A Silvers (eds.), Medicine and Social Justice: Essays on the Distribution of Health Care (Oxford University Press, 2002), pp. 24-37. [link to PDF document]

"The Role of Adaptation to Disability and Disease in Health State Valuation: A Preliminary Normative Analysis" (lead author, with P Dolan, JA Olsen, and J Richardson). Social Science & Medicine 55: 12 (December 2002): 2149-2158. [link to PDF document]

"Determining the Value of Life: Discrimination, Advance Directives, and the Right to Die with Dignity." Free Inquiry 25: 5 (August-September 2005): 39-41. (On one dimension of the Terri Schiavo case, paired with contributions by Peter Singer and Nat Hentoff in the same issue.) [link to PDF document]

"'Spare Embryos' Pose Ethical Dilemma for Pro-Life Camp." The News Tribune [Tacoma WA], September 11, 2005, p. E-3.  [link to document]

"A Conservative Case for Universal Access to Health Care" with Donald W. Light). Hastings Center Report 36: 4 (July-August 2006): pp. 36-45. [link to PDF document]

"Allocation of Scarce Medical Resources." In R. Rhodes, L. Francis, and A. Silvers (eds.), Blackwell Guide to Medical Ethics (Blackwell, December 2006), Chapter 17, pp. 305-322. [link to PDF document]

“A Path to Universal Access.” Hastings Center Report 38: 1 (January-February 2008), pp. 34-36. [link to PDF document]

“Too Hot for Politics to Handle? Hard Questions about Health Insurance.” Hastings Center Report 38: 5 (Sept-Oct 2008): 12-14. [link to PDF document]

“Are Patents an Efficient and Internationally Fair Means of Funding Research and Development for New Medicines?” In D. Arnold (ed.), Ethics and the Business of Biomedicine (Cambridge University Press, 2009), pp. 62-82.  COPYRIGHT, Cambridge U. Press. [link to PDF document]

“Justice and Fairness: Mandating Universal Participation.” In Connecting American Values with Health Reform (The Hastings Center, June 2009), pp. 4-6, and at .

"Cost Control:  How Incapacitated Are We?"  Health Care Cost Monitor (online forum), September 2009: .

“Insurance Mandate Is the Only Way to Avoid Shifting Costs,” The News Tribune (Tacoma WA, viewpoint column), March 28, 2010.  [link to Word document

“A Cultural Moral Right to a Basic Minimum of Accessible Health Care,” Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 21: 1 (March 2011): 79-120. [for ABSTRACT, link to PDF document]  Revised, abridged, and reprinted as “The Realistic Moral Right to a Basic Minimum of Accessible Health Care,” in B. Steinbock, A. London, and J. Arras (eds.), Ethical Issues in Modern Medicine, 8th ed. (McGraw-Hill, 2013), pp. 210-221.

“Dishonesty, Ignorance, or What?” Hastings Center Report 41:2 (March-April 2011): 16-17. [link to PDF document]

“The Value of Life at the End of Life: A Critical Assessment of Hope and Other Factors,” Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 39: 2 (Summer 2011): 215-223.  [for full document, link to PDF document]. The definitive version is available at the Wiley online library:

"Cost-Effectiveness Review in Action," Health Care Cost Monitor (online forum), May 18, 2011:

“Justice, Liberty, and the Choice of Health System Structure,” in R. Rhodes, M. Battin, and A. Silvers (eds), Medicine and Social Justice, 2nd edition (Oxford University Press, 2012), pp. 35-46.  A revision and expansion of parts of the KIEJ 2011 and JLME 2012 papers, with more detail especially on the free-riding problem as it generates the argument for mandatory health insurance.

“Setting Priorities for a Basic Minimum of Accessible Health Care,” in R. Rhodes, M. Battin, and A. Silvers (eds), Medicine and Social Justice, 2nd edition (Oxford University Press, 2012), pp. 131-141.  A revision of parts of the KIEJ 2011 paper.

“It’s Who You Know: Commentary,” Hastings Center Report 42:2 (Mar-Apr 2012): 12-13. [link to PDF document

“Saved from Themselves,” Hastings Center Report 42: 5 (Sept-Oct 2012): 8-10. [link to PDF document]

“Justice and Fairness: A Critical Element in U.S. Health System Reform.” Journal of Law, Medicine, and Ethics 40: 3 (fall 2012): 582-597.  [link to PDF document]  The definitive version is available at

“Advance Directives, Dementia, and Physician-Assisted Death” (with Bonnie Steinbock), Journal of Law, Medicine, and Ethics 41: 2 (summer 2013): 484-500.  [link to PDF document]  The definitive version is available at

“Advance Directives, Dementia, and Eligibility for Physician-Assisted Death,” New York Law School Law Review 58: 2 (fall 2013).  [link to pre-publication abstract]

“Statistical and Identified Lives: Why Not to Use the ‘R’ Word.” Chapter 13 in M. Danis, L. Fleck, S. Hurst, R. Forde, and A.M. Slowther (eds), Fair Rationing at the Bedside (Oxford University Press, 2014).  [link to pre-publication abstract]

"Advance Directives, Dementia, and Withholding Food and Water by Mouth" (with co-author M. Colette Chandler-Cramer), Hastings Center Report 44: 3 (May-June 2014): 23-37.  [link to PDF abstract and DOI]