Rules and Expectations

Rules and Expectations for Ms. Jackson’s English Classes

Disciplinary Expectations

1. Students are expected to be seated and quiet when the bell rings.

2. Students are expected to be quiet unless they have raised their hands and been given permission to speak. Talking is also permitted during group work.

3. Students must have the specified textbooks/notebooks and Chromebooks in class daily.

4. Students must also have paper and writing utensils daily.

5. No horseplay (pushing, shoving, hitting, etc.) is allowed in or around the classroom.

6. Students must raise their hands to get permission to leave their seats.

7. The third tardy in a grading period will result in parental contact. Similarly, subsequent tardies will result in other disciplinary action.

8. Students must charge Chromebooks before coming to class. Per Board Policy 5136, students must keep personal communication devices powered completely off unless instructed otherwise. If students are caught using cell phones, Chromebooks, or other wireless devices beyond the scope of classroom directions/lessons, consequences could range from loss of speaking and listening points to a call home to an office referral.

Academic Expectations

9. All formal writing assignments (paragraphs, essays, reports, etc.) must be typed.

10. All homework or other assignments must be turned in by specified deadlines. The only way to make up a missing grade not due to an excused absence is to have a scheduled missing-work conference with me during E and I and fill out a missing work/self-assessment handout. These steps must be taken prior to the summative assessment over the skills covered in the missing assignment.

11. Students who have an excused absence will be given the number of days they were gone to make up work. When students have returned from excused absences, it is their responsibility to check assignments in Google Classroom. Students missing school the day of a test are required to make arrangements with me on the day of their return to take the make-up test within the allotted time.

12. The grading policies of the district (as specified in the student handbook) will be followed. Standardized assessments will be given in accordance with these policies.

13. Students will need a folder or notebook specifically for English .

14. Students will need regular access to the Internet for online assignments.

Guardian’s signature______________________ Student’s signature__________________