Welcome Page

Welcome to English 11 or Pre-AP English 1. I am looking forward to another successful year in the Pickerington Local Schools, where I have taught for thirty years. High school English has five areas of curricular focus: reading, writing, language, vocabulary, and speaking/listening. For specific details about each class, see the course syllabus handouts. In accordance with Ohio's Learning Standards, the focus in each of the five areas of the class will be on critical thinking and application. 

Reading the board in class daily, copying assignments and upcoming dates into an agenda,  checking the Weekly Dates tab in Google Classroom, coming to class with Chromebooks charged, and asking for help when needed are some hints for success in the class. Checking this website regularly (also accessible in Google Classroom) would be helpful because lesson plans are posted here weekly. However, because plans are posted at the beginning of the week, it is important for students to always read the board and check Google Classroom for possible changes in plans.

I look forward to working with you.

                                Have a good year,

                                Renee Jackson

                                English 11 and Pre-AP 1 Teacher

