Cranium Club

"Mrs. Lim, what should I do when I am done?"

Join the Cranium Club! Learn about new things and have fun while doing it! Here are the directions:

1. Get a notebook and label it Cranium Club. You will be using this notebook for all your Cranium Club questions and answers.

2. Pick a subject you would like to do. Language Arts Math Miscellaneous Science Social Studies

3. Before you begin any page on your notebook, always write the date, number and question.

4. Use our home or classroom resources - internet, encyclopedia, almanac, Writer's Express, etc. Web links are provided to guide you if you choose to use the internet. If some of the links are not working anymore, write it down on a post-it note and give to Mrs. Lim. Google another functioning link using Google's Safe Search.

5. Write your answers below your questions.

6. Wasn't that fun? You have re-learned or learned something new today!

(Cranium Club was adapted from "Mrs. Renz Mastery Club" by Heather Renz of Redmond, Oregon.)