About Mrs. Lim

-A compilation of "About The Teacher" facts throughout the years-

Dear Third Grade Families,

Welcome to 3rd Grade! I am very happy and excited to be your teacher this year!

Education and Experience:

This is my 31st year of teaching. I graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology from the Ateneo de Manila, a Jesuit university in the Philippines. I migrated to the United States at 19, started teaching the year after, and completed my CA Credential program and MA in Education at the University of San Francisco. Before PUSD, I taught for the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, Pasadena Unified School District, Ontario-Montclair School District, and Cal State University East Bay.

My Family: My husband James works in the hotel industry. My oldest daughter goes to UC Santa Cruz, while my younger daughter attends UC Santa Barbara. My youngest son goes to Amador Valley HS and is a member of the marching band, as were my two older daughters. Our house is usually filled with music all day. Here is a music video of my two daughters playing music at our cabin backyard, and another at their own dorms. My family loves to travel and dine out.

We had an English bulldog named Bubba who is still our class mascot. Sadly, he passed away in October of 2016. We miss him so much! We now have a new puppy named Lily Bun who is so playful and affectionate. She fills our home with joy.

Summer 2020

As like many families during shelter-in-place, we stayed close to home. We occasionally went to our cabin in Arnold, played lots of pingpong at home, baked lots of desserts and goods, and enjoyed creating music as a family. The most significant and fun piece of music my daughters put together was an international musical quarantine collaboration with musicians from England, Russia, Australia, Poland, Germany and the U.S. They played a cover of the song, Level of Concern.

Summer 2019

For Summer 2019, I spent most of my summer working as a fellow for Ignited and was fortunate to work at the Associate Development Program department for Silicon Valley Bank in Palo Alto. I worked as a Curriculum Design Consultant. My main projects included attending and studying ADP's training courses and documenting feedback for curriculum and program improvement, and digitizing training courses for better engagement and retention of content. I enjoyed working there as my mentors were supportive, inclusive, and super women role models!

Summer 2018

This past summer, I taught a Digital Presentations class at the PUSD Summer Enrichment Program for two weeks. My family and I also visited the Philippines and Japan and had a wonderful time there. We swam with whale sharks in Oslob Island, visited archeological sites in Cebu where Magellan landed which started the 300-year occupation of the Philippines by Spain, and toured Tokyo for 3 days. We also attended ComicCon San Diego, our 5th year attending.

It was more of a play summer than a work summer for me this year!

Summer 2017

I had an amazing fellowship with SparKEES (Spark Early Education STEM) where I did an immersion experience at Lockheed Martin. This was one of the highlights of my summer. It was an unbelievable experience working with amazing scientists, engineers and technicians who keep our country and earth safe with satellites for GPS, weather reporting, communications, nuclear war prevention, and military monitoring.

Summer 2015-16

  • Completed a 70-hour workshop on Storytelling with Alice 2.0 3-D Programming at Stanford University
  • Completed certification as Lead Launch Teacher, Project Lead the Way at San Jose State University
  • Attended the Writing Summer Institute at PUSD, facilitated by Teacher's College, Columbia University

Past Summers

  • Industry Initiatives for Science and Math Education (IISME) - IISME is a non-profit group based in Silicon Valley that places teacher fellows to work for eight summer weeks at sponsor companies such as Adobe, Google, Lockheed Martin and Stanford. Teacher fellows then write an Education Transfer Plan based on their work experience to be later applied to the classroom.
  • Taught online classes at Cal State University East Bay
  • Worked as a linguistic consultant at Stanford
  • Taught technology classes to K-12 teachers at the PUSD Summer Institute

Throughout this year, I hope to get to know you and your families, too. Let's all have a wonderful year together!


Mrs. Lim

EMAIL: clim@pleasantonusd.net PHONE: 925-426-4250