Class Parties and Events

Oct. 31, Thursday - Halloween Party

Halloween breakfast and centers after parade. Room parents to organize and facilitate.

Dec. 18, Wednesday - Holiday Pajama Party

9:30AM-10:30AM. Wear pajamas, watch Polar Express or alternative movie, and have hot chocolate, rolls and fruit. Room parents to organize and set-up.

May 27, Wednesday - End of the Year Class Party/Picnic

11:00AM-2:00PM. All 3rd grade classes will walk to the Sports Park. Each class is responsible for one game (ex: Cake Walk station, volleyball, sack race, etc), one craft (bead-making, photo booth, face painting, duct tape craft making, etc.) and one snack to share (ex: Goldfish, Oreos, chips, etc.) for the community table. Room parents can facilitate, organize and find volunteers from our class parents to help. Each class also needs to provide Otter pops or popsicles in a cooler that day for 25 kids.

May 29, Friday - Field Day

9:00-10:30am Parent(s) establish a water station and an activity station. Room parents to organize and facilitate and find volunteers to watch the stations.

(Dates are subject to change)