Video Pro 1

Welcome to Video Production 1:

This website is your entry into everything we do in class. (Google Classroom does not facilitate the files or information I need to continually send out, so we will use this website instead  of Google Classroom.)

This year you will learn film & editing skills that you will be able to use for the rest of your life. You will create an online portfolio that you can submit when you apply for college and/or when you apply for jobs. 

This class teaches you skills that will make you more marketable in college and in the workplace. We are so lucky to be able to offer each student a license to Adobe Creative Cloud. This is going to be a great year and I'm so excited to get started! 

Attendance: Please remember- attendance is imperative to this class! We work on programs that most of you don't have at home, and many of your projects are group projects. You need to be in class in order to get all of your work done. Your project teammates need you to be here to get projects completed.  

Even if you have an excused absence, you still must get your work done.  If you are gone multiple days during a project, you may need to be dropped from a project team. Projects can snowball quickly if you are missing class or habitually tardy!

Access Period: Please remember that you can use Access period to come and practice using some of the tools or you can work on projects.