Extra Resources

Resources for help

https://www.khanacademy.org/ Khan Academy is a fantastic resource with video explanations for a huge variety of topics. 

https://www.ixl.com/math/  IXL is a great resource for practice problems for a huge selection of different topics. 

http://www.mathsisfun.com/geometry/constructions.html A great resource website if you want to look up any constructions that you are curious about. 

http://www.mathworksheets4kids.com/ has a bunch of free practice problems with multiple levels of difficulty and across many different topics. Great for getting a bit more practice.

Xtramath is a great website to help practice basic computation skills. Totally free to sign up for.

Art of Problem Solving Has a whole bunch of great questions and answers and discussion about all different levels of difficulty in math. Look under the "Community" tab for the easiest access to problems.

All Previous AMC 8 Questions and Solutions

Games and fun

http://www.4nums.com/ A fun and challenging math game. Use all 4 numbers and the operations (add, subtract, multiply, divide) to reach the number 24. 

Balancing Hangers a fun puzzle game where you must find the weight of each shape in order to keep the hanger balanced. 

Euclidea.xyz A great game practicing constructions of various geometric figures using basic tools of construction. Great for building some intuition about geometry. 

http://www.nytimes.com/ref/crosswords/kenken.html?_r=0 A math based puzzle similar to Sudoku. Great for practicing basic operations and logical deductions. 

https://projecteuler.net/ Project Euler (pronounced Oil-er) is a series of challenging math problems often requiring the solver to utilize a computer and computer programming skills to complete.

https://www.desmos.com/calculator an online graphing calculator that allows you to change different parts of a function dynamically. 

This website is a demonstration of the number of permutations a standard deck of cards has, as well as how outrageously huge it is. 

Mathpickle - This website has a bunch of interesting math-based puzzles and brain teasers.

The evolution of trust is a game that teaches you some basics of the fantastic field of Game Theory, as well as talks about some of the psychology behind it.

Ultimate Tic-tac-toe is a variation of tic-tac-toe that actually requires strategy and planning. Very fun!

Interesting math videos

Vi Hart is a youtube channel where Victoria Hart rants about various things in mathematics in a very entertaining and engaging way. TONS of great and interesting topics. The series about the fibonacci sequence is one of my favorites. 

http://numberphile.com/ A collection of interesting Youtube videos about various topics in mathematics. Tons of topics talked about by mathematicians and scientists. (WARNING: some of these are quite advanced.)

3blue1brown takes deep looks at different advanced topics in math, generally much more advanced than my classes. 

standupmaths Matt Parker does a bunch of fun and interesting math from a variety of different topics in math. 

How Pixar uses mathematics to help model animate and otherwise produce their characters in movies.