Drill Downs/Associations

Having data delivered visually gives the user immediate feedback. To get more details, It may be useful to also drill down into a chart to show the user the information that makes up the chart. This is easily accomplished with WOW and Fusion Charts. In the example below, we will take a group of employees separated by work department and chart their salary, commissions and any bonuses they've been awarded.

As always, you will need to begin by creating an application - we’ll call it “Fusion Multi-Series with Associations.” After creating your application, you will need to make an operation to gather and chart the data you wish to present. This is done with a simple SQL data operation as shown here:

Note in the SQL above, we have created derived fields for salary, commission and bonus.

Note: Consider creating a derived field for any Association Operation you wish to use or set on a field. This will greatly save you time in the future should you choose to use these fields for multiple purposes. Using your original fields from your database can and will affect any other types of actions you wish to add to those fields in the future such as Possible Values or Hover as well as just simple queries that will display a different value than desired.

Be sure that you update the display group in the Display section of your operation to the type of chart you wish to generate and set the appropriate properties from the WOWFusion documentation as shown in screenshot below.

Set the JSP File type to Fusion Chart jsp in the Advanced section of your operation shown below:

And assign the operation to your application in the Internal section. Then insert your operation.

Run the application, and open the FD Manager for each of your derived fields.

This is what the application will look like.

Now, to activate the drill down capability, you must create associations to each of the salary,commission, and bonus fields. To do that, create a new 1-MANY Association operation first for salary:

Assign the display group:

And assign the application, then insert the operation:

Now, create association operations for both Commissions and Bonus as we did above for Salary. The application now in the WOW Builder should look like the below screenshot.

After running the application again, you will see the same chart is rendered:

But, now each of the columns within the chart are “clickable” to drill down to the data that makes the image. I will click on Salary line in work department B01 to get this data:

If you would like to instead provide the above information in a chart, change the association operation for Salary and set the appropriate properties as before. Set the JSP File type to Fusion Chart jsp in the Advanced section of your operation and update the Properties section to the type of chart you wish to display.

Now that these are set, if a user clicks on the “Salary” Column from the original data chart, they will be provided this below:

By using WOW and WOWFusion charts, it is simple to provide charts and graphs to visually represent any of your data.