
Trail Blazers’ Expectations:

I am respectful because I...

Listen quietly and raise my hand to speak

Use kind words and appropriate language

Cooperate with others or teachers

Stay in my seat

Keep hands, feet and objects to self

I am responsible because I...

Make good choices

Arrive to class on time

Follow directions

Use materials properly

Come to class prepared

Do my best and put in 100% effort

Important Information:

How to contact team:

Working together will ensure the success of your son/ daughter. Please feel free to contact the team teachers with any questions or concerns.

To schedule a meeting with the team, please contact the team leader, Mrs. Rogers. Meetings with the team teachers are available on Tuesdays and Thursdays.


Schools- Middle School of Plainville

Staff Directory

Team Website:

Please check the team website for information. Important information is updated on a regular basis. Also, any important information can be found on the daily homework page.


Schools- Middle School of Plainville

Staff Directory

7-2 Trailblazers

Homework Assignments:

Homework assignments are generally given Monday- Thursday and occasionally on Fridays. Homework assignments are posted on the team website- http://www.plainvilleschools.org

Schools- Middle School of Plainville

Staff Directory

7-2 Trailblazers


Students are expected to write down the homework assignments in their agenda planners.

Grades Online:

Grades are available online. The username and password are your child's login for the school's computers. You may contact the office if you need this information.


Completion of make-up work is the responsibility of the student. If a student is absent 3 or more days, homework may be requested by contacting the team leader. The work can be picked up the following day after 2:45pm in the main office. Students are expected to make up work in a timely fashion. General rule: 1 day out=1 day to make up work.

Students of the Month:

Every month, three students from the Trail Blazers team are chosen as "Students of the Month." Students are chosen based on school-wide criteria:


Respect and Responsibility

Effort and Perseverance

Required Materials:

All students are required to bring their books and a silent reading book to class everyday. Required supplies are also a part of being prepared. Students are expected to have their supplies every day.