Homework Folders

Homework is ON HOLD until: Further Notice....

Every child has a homework folder which needs to come to school daily. All home to school communications will be carried out through the homework folder and Seesaw. At the beginning of each month students will receive a new lunch menu and school calendar via email from Mr. Batchelder. Homework will be for students to read for 30 minutes every night- Monday-Thursday. To earn extra credit students may participate in Reading Bingo which is monthly to earn prizes. In addition to reading students will have a reading or math assignment sent home on Monday. It will be due back each Thursday. On days where students work on a homework assignment in addition to reading they should still only spend a total of 30 minutes on the homework. It is not necessary to read 30 minutes and then do the assignment. There will be occasional structured, long term projects.

****Students will only earn credit for homework if their assignment is fully completed and returned to school on Thursday. This gives students an opportunity to bring missed assignments on Friday. No parent signatures are required for nightly reading, however initials are needed to earn extra credit for Reading Bingo. Missed homework assignments will be completed on Friday afternoons in school.

If your child forgot their book they can read online.

Basic Facts:

In second grade, fact fluency is essential for student success. Mastery of basic facts takes time and hard work. To reach the goal of 80% or higher in multiplication and division, we encourage students to practice their facts at home in addition to school beginning in January. If you need flashcards or suggestions on how to practice, please contact me and I can provide you with additional resources.