English I

English I is structured to give students a background in grammar and literature. Topics in grammar include the parts of speech and their application, the sentence and its parts, verb and pronoun usage, phrases and clauses, and mechanics and spelling. Freshmen will do a research paper (5-7 pages) and sophomores will do one that will be 7-10 pages. Both classes will use parenthetical citations, bibliographies, note cards, outlining, etc., when working on these papers. The literature portion of the course will cover literary techniques, short stories, poetry, biographies, and drama. Students will read at least one novel, assigned by the teacher-- to be discussed in class. Possible novels include All Quiet on the Western Front by Erich Maria Remarque, and To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. The reading will also include at least one Shakespearean play, which may include Romeo and Juliet, depending on the rotation.