Happy Camper Gourmet Foods

Gourmet meals in the bush

Every now and then I come across something that really hits the mark. Living as a bachelor, I am keen to try anything that makes life easy, I’ve however always been suspicious of readymade meals because they tend to be high in salt or drowned in gravy.

Enter award winning Happy Camper Gourmet, regular advertisers in the magazine, they have a range of readymade meals that I reckon will keep even the fussiest eater happy. These meals are not freeze dried or dehydrated, they don’t need refrigeration, are preservative free and can be heated in the bag they come in. I reckon anything that reduces dish washing especially burnt pots has got to be a winner.

I’ve tried a number of HCG meals and was most pleased; my favourites are both types of lamb shanks, chunky chicken casserole and the two damper mixes. If you want to stretch a meal to feed two you could add, potatoes or other veg, rice or noodles. This however will create more dishwashing, why not heat up two meals, you’re on holidays, live it up. By the way the chunky chicken makes for a great jaffle filler.

The dampers are delicious, the only problem being you need to make sure you get in first before they get gobbled up by your neighbours following their nostrils.

The range of happy camper gourmet meals includes:

  • Lamb shanks in redwine and rosemary,
  • Lamb shanks in mint gravy,
  • Aussie lamb drums in nannas gravy
  • Drovers beef and bean
  • Chunky chicken casserole
  • Bush country harvest – veggies and quinoa
  • Outback beef curry with coconut sauce and lentils
  • Cattleman’s beef stew
  • Beefy meat balls
  • Bushman’s corn damper and apple and
  • Cinnamon damper

Happy Camper Gourmet pride themselves in supporting Australian growers by using only fresh Australian meat and vege; that’s gotta be good for our economy.

Don’t restrict HCG meals only to camping use, use them at home, you won’t need to run around gathering half a shopping trolley full of herbs and spices etc to make a meal, its already done for you. Just heat and serve.

So why go down the canned baked beans, braised steak or spaghetti route for camping meals, get some real food that will stick to your ribs, get Happy Camper Gourmet tucker instead.