Athlete Profile

The James Madison Middle School Athlete

In addition to complying with the rigorous academic standards set forth by James Madison Middle School, athletes will be individuals who display the following qualities: Character, Positive Attitude, First-Class Citizen and, is a Hard Worker. 

CHARACTER: The James Madison Middle School Athlete exhibits those traits that are inherent in the high standards of what is proper and unique about people.  Exceptional character qualities that are synonymous with a Madison Athlete are: Honesty, Integrity, Responsibility, Loyalty, Dedication, Team Player, and Sportsmanship.

POSITIVE ATTITUDE: The James Madison Middle School Athlete is caring and wants to be a positive influence to others. The athlete should want to be someone who is admired for what they accomplish academically and athletically.

FIRST-CLASS CITIZEN: The James Madison Middle School Athlete is respectful and practices appropriate behavior at all times, both in and out of season. The athlete sets an example for others to follow, by following the rules and encourages others to do the same. The athlete is self disciplined and never puts themselves in a situation that would bring embarrassment to them, to their family, or to James Madison and the Athletic program that they represent.

HARD WORKER: The James Madison Middle School Athlete understands that achieving success does not come easy and always strives to raise their level of performance in both the academic and athletic arena to a higher level. The athlete understands that achievement comes only from dedication and hard work. The athlete elevates their standards and goals accordingly and is willing to accept any challenges that come their way in order to achieve success in both the classroom and athletic playing field.

Participation in interscholastic athletics is a privilege, not a right.