

Duda, R. O. and P. E. Hart, Pattern Classification and Scene Analysis, (John Wiley & Sons, New York, NY, 1973) (Nineteen printings.)

Duda, R. O. and P. E. Hart, Pattern Classification and Scene Analysis, (Moscow, 1976). Russian edition.

Duda, R. O., P. E. Hart, and D. G. Stork Pattern Classification (2nd edition), (John Wiley & Sons, New York, NY, 2001)

Duda, R. O., P. E. Hart, and D. G. Stork Pattern Classification (2nd edition), (New Technology Communications Co., Ltd., Tokyo 2001).  Japanese edition  

Duda, R. O., P. E. Hart, and D. G. Stork Pattern Classification (2nd edition), (China Machine Press, CITIC Publishing House).  Chinese edition.

Duda, R. O., P. E. Hart, and D. G. Stork Pattern Classification (2nd edition), (Info Tech Corea).  Korean  edition.

Weyl, E. G., A. Tang, and the Plurality Community, Plurality:  The Future of Collaborative Technology and Democracy, Public Domain under Creative Commons 1.0 Universal (CCO) :No Rights Reserved license.  ISBN: 9798321247181


1.            Cover, T. M. and P. E. Hart, "Nearest Pattern Classification," IEEE Trans. on Information Theory, Vol. IT-13, No. 1, pp 21-27 (January 1967);  also in Machine Recognition of Patterns, A. K. Agrawala (ed.), IEEE Press (New York, 1977).


2.            Hart, P. E., "The Condensed Nearest Neighbor Rule," IEEE Trans. on Information Theory, Vol. IT-14, No. 3, pp 515-516 (May 1968);  also in Machine Recognition of Patterns, op. cit.


3.            Munson, J. H., R. O. Duda, and P. E. Hart, "Experiments with Highleyman's Data," IEEE Trans. on Computers, Vol. C-17, No. 4, pp 339-401 (April 1968).


4.            Hart, P. E., N. J. Nilsson, and B. Raphael, "A Formal Basis for the Heuristic Determination of Minimum Cost Paths in Graphs," IEEE Trans. on Systems Science and Cybernetics, Vol. SSC-4, No. 2, pp 100-107, (July 1968);  also in Context-Directed Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence Techniques for Information Processing, Y-H Pao and G. W. Ernst (eds.) IEEE Computer Society Press (Silver Spring, MD., 1982).


5.            Duda, R. O. and P. E. Hart, "Experiments in the Recognition of Hand-Printed Text: Part II-- Context Analysis," AFIPS Conf. Proc., Vol. 33, pp 1139-1149, (Thompson Book Company, Washington DC, 1968).


6.            Duda, R. O. and P. E. Hart, "Experiments in Scene Analysis,"  Proc. First National Symposium on Industrial Robots, pp 119-130 (IIT Research Institute, Chicago Ill., 1970).


7.            Duda, R. O. and P. E. Hart, "Use of the Hough Transformation to Detect Lines and Curves in Pictures," Comm. ACM, Vol. 15, pp 11-15 (January, 1972).


8.            Fikes, R. E., P. E. Hart and N. J. Nilsson, "Learning and Executing Generalized Robot Plans," Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 3, No. 4, pp 251-288 (Winter 1972);  also in the following: Readings in Artificial Intelligence, B. L. Webber and N. J. Nilsson (eds.), (Tioga Publishing Company, Palo Alto, California, 1981);  Readings in Machine Learning, J. W. Shavlik and T. G. Dietterich (eds.), (Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, San Mateo, California, 1990);  Readings in Planning, J. Allen, J. Hendler, and A. Tate (eds.), (Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, San Mateo, California, 1990);  Readings in Knowledge Acquisition, B. G. Buchanan and D. C. Wilkins (eds.), (Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, San Mateo, California, 1993).


9.            Fikes, R. E., P. E. Hart and N. J. Nilsson, "Some New Directions in Robot Problem Solving," Machine Intelligence 7, Meltzer and Michie (eds.), pp 405-430 (Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, 1972).


10.            Fikes, R. E., P. E. Hart and B. Raphael, "Themes in Automatic Problem Solving," Computer, Vol. 6, No. 5 (May 1973).


11.            Duda, R. O. and P. E. Hart, Pattern Classification and Scene Analysis, (John Wiley & Sons, New York, NY, 1973).


12.            Hart, P. E., "Progress on a Computer-Based Consultant," Proc. International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 2, pp 831-841, (Tbilisi, USSR, September 1975).


13.            Hart, P. E. "Artificial Intelligence,"  Astronautics and Aeronautics, pp 50-55, (May 1976).


14.            Duda, R. O., P. E. Hart and N. J. Nilsson, "Subjective Bayesian Methods for Rule-Based Inference Systems," Proc. National Computer Conference, (New York, June 1976);  also in Readings in Artificial Intelligence, op. cit.


15.            Duda, R. O., P. E. Hart, N. J. Nilsson and G. L. Sutherland "Semantic Net Representations in Rule-Based Inference Systems," Pattern-Directed Inference Systems, D. A. Waterman and R. Hayes-Roth (eds.), Academic Press (New York, 1978);  also in Context-Directed Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence Techniques for Information Processing, op. cit.


16.            Hart, P. E., R. O. Duda and M. T. Einaudi, "PROSPECTOR-- A Computer-Based Consultation System for Mineral Exploration," International Association for Mathematical Geology, Vol. 10, No. 5, (October 1978).


17.            Hart, P. E., "Observations on the Development of Expert Knowledge-Based Systems," Proc. Fifth Inter. Joint Conf. on Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 2 (Cambridge, Mass., August 1977).


18.            Duda, R. O., P. E. Hart and R. Reboh, "A Rule-Based Consultation System for Mineral Exploration," Proc. of the Lawrence Symposium on Systems and Decision Sciences, pp 306-309, (Lawrence Hall of Science, Berkeley, Calif., October 3-4, 1978).


19.            Hart, P. E., "Artificial Intelligence and National Security--Some Opportunities," Proc. Technology Trends Colloquium, Vol. II-Papers, (Classified volume, paper unclassified), (U. S. Naval Academy, Annapolis, MD, March 29-April 1, 1978).


20.            Hart, P. E., R. O. Duda and M. T. Einaudi, "A Computer-Based Consultation System for Mineral Exploration," Computer Methods in the 80's in the Mineral Industry, pp 127-140, M. David, et al. (eds.), (Society of Mining Engineers, New York, 1979).


21.            Duda, R. O., P. E. Hart and J. Gaschnig, "The Development of Exploration Models for the Prospector System," Proc. UNITAR Conf. on the Future of Small Scale Mining.


22.            Duda, R. O., J. Gaschnig and P. E. Hart, "Model Design in the Prospector Consultant System for Mineral Exploration," Expert Systems in the Micro Electronic Age, pp 153-167 (Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, 1979);  also in Readings in Artificial Intelligence, op cit.


23.            Duda, R. O. and P. E. Hart, "Rule-Based Modelling of Ore Deposits for Mineral Exploration," Abstracts of Papers of the 146 National Meeting, 3-8 January 1980, San Francisco, California, (American Association for the Advancement of Science, Washington, DC, 1980).


24.            Hart, P. E., "Directions for AI in the 80's", SIGART Newsletter, #79, pp 11-16 (January 1982).


25.            Campbell, A. N., V. F. Hollister, R. O. Duda and P. E. Hart, "Recognition of a Hidden Mineral Deposit by an Artificial Intelligence Program", SCIENCE, Vol. 217, No. 4563, pp 927-929 (3 September 1982).


26.            Hart, P. E., "Expert Systems and Technological Problems," Proc. Second Inter. Conf. on Foundations of Computer-Aided Process Design, June 19-24, 1983, Snowmass, CO, A. W. Westerberg and H. H. Chien (eds.), pp 1-18, (CACHE Publications, Ann Arbor, MI, 1984).


27.            Hart, P. E., "Artificial Intelligence in Transition," AI Magazine, Vol. 5, No. 3, pp 17-20 (Fall 1984);  also in Readings from the AI Magazine, American Association for Artificial Intelligence, Menlo Park, 1988;  expanded version in Knowledge-Based Problem Solving, pp 296-310, J. S. Kowalik (ed.), (Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1986).


28.            Hart, P. E., A. Barzilay and R. O. Duda, "Qualitative Reasoning for Financial Assessments," AI Magazine, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp 62-68, (Spring, 1986);  also in Coupling Symbolic and Numerical Computing in Expert Systems, pp 193-207, J. S. Kowalik (ed.), (Elsevier Science Publishers, B.V., The Netherlands, 1986).


29.            Hart, P. E., "Financial Expert Systems", Proc. AAAI-86, August 11-15, 1986 (Philadelphia, PA, 1986).


30.            Blake, J. W., K. Holzer, P. E. Hart, J. E. Pepping, L. H. Varblow and R. A. Kinney, "Expert Systems for Insurance", The Interpreter, Vol. XLVI, No. 3, (June 1987).


31.            Duda, R. O., P. E. Hart, R. Reboh, J Reiter and T. Risch, "SYNTEL:  Using a Functional Language for Financial Risk Assessment," IEEE Expert, Vol. 2 No. 3, pp 18-32 (Fall, 1987).


32.            Risch, T., R. Reboh, P. E. Hart and R. O. Duda, "A Functional Approach to Integrating Database and Expert Systems,"  Comm. ACM, Vol. 31. No. 12 (December 1988) pp 1424 - 1437.


33.            Hart, P. E., "Application-Driven Architecture:  A Case Study of Syntel," Conf. on Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence, pp 94-97 (Stanford University, March 28 - 30, 1989);  also in Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence, H. Schorr and A. Rappaport (eds.), AAAI Press, Menlo Park, 1989.


34.            Hart, P. E., E. L. Kintzer and A. Barzilay, "From Dream to Deployment:  The Odyssey of a New Expert System Technology," Operational Expert System Applications in the United States, pp 1-15, J. Liebowitz (ed.), Pergamon Press, 1991.


35.            Billawala, N., P. E. Hart and M. Peairs, "Image Continuation," Proc. Second Int. Conf. on Document Analysis and Recognition, pp 53-57 (Tsukuba Science City, Japan, Oct. 20 - 22, 1993).


35.            Hart, P. E., and J. Graham, "Query-Free Information Retrieval,"  Proc. Second Int. Conf. on Cooperative Info. Systems, pp 36 – 46 (Toronto, Canada, May 17 – 20, 1994).


36.            Cullen, J. F., Hull, J. J. and P. E. Hart, “Document Image Database Retrieval and Browsing using Texture Analysis,” Proc. Fourth  Int. Conf. on Doc. Anal. and Recognition,  pp XXX (Ulm, Germany, Aug. 18 – 20, 1997).


37.            Hart, P. E., and J. Graham, "Query-Free Information Retrieval," IEEE Expert, Vol. 12 No. 5, (Sept./Oct. 1997), pp 32 – 37.


38.            Hull, J. J. and P. E. Hart, "The Infinite Memory Multifunction Machine (IM3)," Proc.  Third Int. Workshop on Document Analysis Systems," Nagano, Japan, Nov. 4-6, 1998, pp 49-58.


38.            Hull, J. J., D-S. Lee, J Cullen and P. E. Hart, "Document  Analysis Techniques in the Infinite Memory Multifunction Machine," Proc. Workshop on Document Analysis and Understanding for Document Databases  (DAUDD 99), (Florence, Italy, Sept. 1 - 2, 1999).

39.            Hull, J. J. and P. E. Hart, "Toward Zero-Effort Personal Document Management," IEEE Computer, Vol. 34 No. 3, pp 30-35 (March 2001).

40.            Duda, R. O., P. E. Hart, and D. G. Stork Pattern Classification (2nd edition), (John Wiley & Sons, New York, NY, 2001).

41.            Hart, P. E., and Z. Liu, “Trust in the Preservation of Digital Information” Comm. ACM, Vol. 46, No. 6 (June 2003) pp 93 - 97.

42.            Hart, P. E., J. J. Hull and K. Piersol, “Refocusing Multimedia Research on Short Clips”, IEEE Multimedia, July-September 2005  pp 8 - 13.


43.            Berna Erol, Jamey Graham, Jonathan J. Hull, and Peter E. Hart, " A Modern Day Video Flip-Book: Creating a Printable Representation from Time-Based Media ", ACM Multimedia Conference 2007, pp. 819-822, 2007.

44.            Hart, Peter E., “How the Hough Transform was Invented”, IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, Vol 26, Issue 6 (November, 2009) pp 18 -22.

45.            Kuipers, Benjamin, Edward A. Feigenbaum, Peter E. Hart, and Nils J. Nilsson, "Shakey: From Conception to History", AI Magazine, Spring 2017.

46.            Hart, Peter, Steve Kelling, Jessie Barry, Brian Sullivan, and Chris Wood, "Birding in the Year 2025", Living Bird, Winter 2020, Vol 39, Issue 1, pp 28 - 36.