Library Overview

 Staff:  Ms. Pecuch, Librarian  (215) 428-4280  ext. 50876

                Mrs. Dittman, Library Aide

Hours:  Monday -  Friday          8:00 - 3:00

Chromebooks are available for loan in the event the student has forgotten to charge their Chromebook or has left the Chromebook at home. 

All daily loaned Chromebooks need to be returned by the end of the day.

Circulation:  It is optional to use your library card or student ID to sign out materials.

A three item maximum is permitted for borrowing materials.

                                                                Chromebooks for daily use, need to be returned by the end of the day.

                                                                Books circulate for three weeks.

                                                                Magazines circulate for three weeks.

                                                                Materials can always be renewed.

Any overdue materials need to be returned before any additional materials  may be taken out.