Library Policies
Students visit the library each 5 day rotation for one 40 minute period. During this time students participate in a lesson that focuses on general knowledge of the library, age-appropriate research skills, or a reinforcement of language skills taught in the regular education classroom. Class discussions are followed up with a brief assignment geared toward practice or review of the skills presented in the lesson. Students are always given a time to browse the library and check out books of their choice. Students are expected to participate in class discussions and demonstrate effort during class.
Students are required to read assigned books in the classroom setting so the library is a place where they are free to choose books that interest them. Students are steered toward grade-level appropriate books but sometimes select a book below their grade level for fun or slightly above their grade level to read with an adult at home.
Students in grades K-1 may check out 1 book each rotation.
Students in grades 2-5 may check out 2 books each rotation.
**Students may check out an extra book if the classroom teacher requests it for a project they're working on in homeroom.
**Reading Olympics students are allowed to check out an extra book as long as it is from the Reading Olympics list.
Students who forget their book on the day of their library class may bring their book back the following day. Teachers know students are allowed to visit the library first thing in the morning the day after their library day to exchange forgotten books.
Library materials that are lost or damaged will need to be paid for so they can be replaced. Library materials are replaced in the same binding they were originally checked out from the library in (ex. if the student lost a library bound, hardcover book, it must be replaced with a library bound, hardcover copy).
Lost or damaged library materials may be replaced by sending in cash or check (made out 'Edgewood PTO').