Upload Your Photos

Did you take your camera to the last school dance? Basketball game? Or band concert?? Share the pics with us! The Yearbook Staff invites students and parents to submit photos for the yearbook.

Our photographers can't be everywhere. Help us get as many photos as possible to create a terrific book.

If you would like to submit photos, please email Mrs. Brittain (jbrittain@pennridge.org) and/or students may use their Google Accounts by following this link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/15WfjnwutdIqeXAWd_C2asmM8YAEv79yamjbUE-Me0yY/edit

Please email Mrs. Brittain (jbrittain@pennridge.org) or Ms. Auchenbach (jauchenbach@pennridge.org) for help. Start uploading!

Please name files with student's last names or the name of the event. This uploading site is secure and submitted images will only be able to be accessed by the Yearbook Staff.

The Yearbook Staff will review all photos and determine final yearbook content. We cannot guarantee that all submissions will be used in the book.