
                Welcome to Mrs. Maguire's 5th Grade Class  

I am very excited to welcome you to our class and I am thrilled to have you as a student next year! I know you all worked hard in fourth grade, so I hope you have a great summer and get time to relax and have fun. I can't wait to hear about your summers when we return!

Under the Supply List tab at the top of this page, I have posted a list of items that will be helpful for you to bring into school at the start of the school year. No worries if you are unable to gather any of the items listed, I will have extras that you can use

Parents, I would also like for you to send me an email at kmaguire@pelhamsd.org about your son/daughter and his/her strengths, talents, and your hopes and dreams for this coming year. Please send this from an address that you would like for me to use for you throughout the year.  The email may be as long or as short as you'd like, and know that it will be for my viewing only. Thank you in advance for completing this. 

Next year we will be in Room 401 (East Wing, second floor). We will be having a Meet and Greet on August 26. Be on the lookout for more information regarding this once the date gets closer.  

If you ever have any questions or would like to just say hello, feel free to email me anytime at kmaguire@pelhamsd.org.  I hope you all enjoy your well-deserved summer break, and I can't wait to see you soon!


Mrs. Kate Maguire