
Publications (Selected)

Literature and Cultural Studies


Basci, Pelin. Social Trauma and Telecinematic Memory: Imagining the Turkish Nation since the 1980 Coup . Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan & Springer, 2017.


Basci, Pelin. “Women of Turkey in American Missionary Texts,” in Deconstructing Images of “The TurkishWoman, ed. Zehra Arat, New York: St. Martin‟s Press, 1998. pp. 101-123.; reprinted in Deconstructing Images of “The Turkish Woman, ed. Zehra Arat, London: Macmillan, 1998. pp. 101-123.

Basci, Pelin. “Sevgi Soysal’ın “Ayı Boyamak” Adlı Hikayesinde Kimlik, Cinsiyet ve Temsili (Performatif) Dönüşümler” [Identity, Gender and Performative Transformations in Sevgi Soysal’s Short Story Entitled “Painting the Moon””] in S. Şahin and İ. Şahbenderoğlu, İsyankar Neşe. Sevgi Soysal Kitabı. İstanbul: İletişim, pp. 247-264.

Journal Articles

Basci, Pelin. “From Social Marginalization to Cultural Distinction: Cinematic Representation of the Nation’s Others in the Age of Globalization.” Quarterly Review of Film and Video, DOI: 10.1080/10509208.2022.2041957

Basci, Pelin. "Gender and memory in the films of Tomris Giritlioğlu and Yeşim Ustaoğlu" in New Perspectives on Turkey, Volume 53, November 2015, pp 137-171.

Basci, Pelin. "Gender and Performance in Sevgi Soysal's 'Ayı Boyamak'" in S. Şahin and İ. Şahbenderoğlu (eds.) Isyankar Neşe. Sevgi Soysal Kitabı [Rebellious Joy. The Book of Sevgi Soysal]. İstanbul: İletişim, 2015.

Basci, Pelin. "Herkesin 12 Eylül'ü" [Everyone's Own Takeover of 1980] in Amargi Feminist Journal of Theory and Politics No. 27 (Winter 2013): 77-80.

Basci, Pelin. “12 Eylül'ü Konu Alan Filmlerde Karşı Anlatı Olarak Ses ve Hafıza,” [Voice and Memory as Counter-Narratives in Films Depicting the 1980 Coup], Mülkiye Dergisi [The journal of Ankara University, School of Political Science, Faculty and Alumni], Vol. 34, No. 268 (Fall 2010): 147-183.

Basci, Pelin. "TürkEdebiyatı Kanonu ve Ulusal Kimliğin Sınırları" [The Canon of Turkish Literature and the Limits of National Identity], Pasaj Edebiyat Eleştirisi Dergisi [Passage Journal of Literary Criticism], No. 6 Special Issue on the literary canon. (November 2007-May 2008): 44-69.

Basci, Pelin. "Advertising'The New Woman': Fashion, Beauty, and Health inWomen's World," International Journal of Turkish Studies, Vol. 11, Nos. 1 & 2 (Fall 2005): 61-79.

Basci, Pelin. "AdvertisingModernity in Women's World: Women's Lifestyle and Leisure in Late-Ottoman Istanbul," HAWWA, Journal of Women of the Middle East and the Islamic World, Vol. 2. No.1 (2004): 34-63. Also available online at

Basci, Pelin. "Love, Marriage, and Motherhood: Changing Expectations of Women in Late OttomanIstanbul," in Turkish Studies, Vol. 4, No. 3 (Autumn 2003): 145-177.

Basci, Pelin. “Planlanan Gençlik” [The Planned Youth], Gençlik ve Toplum [Youth and Society], (Spring 1984) İletişim Yayınları, Istanbul.

Translations, Interviews, Online Articles

Basci, Pelin & Epplin, Craig. “A Conversation with Ece Temelkuran” in Music & Literature, September.

Basci, Pelin. "Kanada Sınırındaki Gayrımilli Anıtta" (Stafford'dan çeviri) Kitap-lik 178 (Mart-Nisan 2015): 37.

Basci, Pelin. "‘The Honey-Tongued Storyteller’: Pleasures of Theatrical Narration in Orhan Pamuk’s My Name Is Red” included in the online Festschrift compiled in honor of Dr. Erika Gilson.


Basci, Pelin. "Perils of Turkey’s Urban Wilderness in the 1970s and After." Book review of Turkish Kaleidoscope: Fractured Lives in a Time of Violence Story by Jenny White. Current History, 120 (830): 374–376. doi:

Basci, Pelin. Review of AhmetHamdi Tanpınar. A Mind At Peace. Trans. Erdağ Göknar in Review of Middle East Studies Vol. 43, No. 2 (Winter 2009): 289-291.

Basci, Pelin. Review of HalideEdib. House With Wisteria. Memoirs of Halide Edib in Middle East Studies Association Bulletin Vol. 39 No. 2 (December 2005): 275-277.

Basci, Pelin. Review of Yıldıray Erdener, Turkish Through Songs in The Turkish Studies Association Bulletin, 25:2 / 26:1 (Fall 2001-Spring 2002): 58-61.

Basci, Pelin. Review of Irvin C. Schick, The Erotic Margin: Sexuality and Spatiality in Alteritist Discourse, in the Turkish Studies Association Bulletin, 24:1 (Spring 2000): 137-141.

Basci, Pelin. “Kesik Bir Baş ve Iris Murdock” [Iris Murdock and an Invitation to a Beheading], Birikim 14 (June 1990): 67-69, Iletişim Yayınları, Istanbul.

Basci, Pelin. “Nonnon Oyunu” [The Nonnon Game], Birikim 16 (August 1990): 54-55, İletişim 3 Yayınları, Istanbul.

Basci, Pelin. “Eleştiri Hakkında Düşünürken” [Rethinking Literary Criticism]. Review of Gürsel Aytaç, Çağdaş Türk Romanları Üzerine İncelemeler [On the Contemporary Turkish Novel] Milliyet Sanat [Milliyet Art Journal], 240/15 (May 1990): 52, Istanbul.

Basci, Pelin. “Kaleci Kim? Peter Handke ve Postmodernizm” [Who is the Goal Keeper? Peter Handke and Postmodernism]. Review of Peter Handke's work published in Turkish language, Kalecinin Penaltı Anındaki Endişesi [Trans. title: The Anxiety of the Goal Keeper at the Moment of Penalty], Milliyet Sanat [Milliyet Art Journal], 201/1(October 1988): 52-53, Istanbul.

Turkish instruction and pedagogy

Basci, Pelin "ACTFL 2012 Proficiency Guidelines, and the Turkish Annotating and Sampling Taskforce" in National Middle East language Resouce Center webpage

Basci, Pelin (Chief Developer) and UofO-CASLS, Carl Falsgraff et. al. Computerized Assessment of Proficiency (Turkish).

Erdener, Yıldıray and Pelin Basci. Learning a Foreign Language Book and two audio tapes/CDs. Ed. Gönül Ertem. Austin: University of Texas at Austin, Department of Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures, Turkish Studies, 1996. Pp. 163.

Basci, Pelin and Eric Eubank. Interactive Computer Program for Turkish, Executive Director: Güliz Kuruoğlu, Austin: UT-Austin, Liberal Arts Media Center Production, 1994.

Basci, Pelin and Eric Eubank, Reklamlar/Commercials: A Video Program for Turkish, Executive Director: Dr. Güliz Kuruoğlu, Austin: UT-Austin, Liberal Arts Media Center Production, 1993.

Basci, Pelin. “Fulbright Language Teaching Assistants (FLTA) Program and Turkish Instruction in the United States,” The AATT Bulletin 33-34 (Spring-Fall 2005): 27-35.

Basci, Pelin. Beyond ClassroomAchievement: Standardized Turkish Tests,” The AATT Bulletin, 23-24 (June 1999): 14-17, reprinted in ERIC on Languages and Linguistics, 2000.

Basci, Pelin. “Using Audio-Visual Materials in Teaching Turkish,” AATT Newsletter, 17 (1994): 29-33, ed. Erika Gilson, Princeton University.

Edited Journal Issues

The AATT Bulletin 35-36 Special 20th Year Anniversary Issue (Spring-Fall 2006), Portland State University.

The AATT Bulletin 33-34 (Spring-Fall 2005), Portland State University.

The AATT Bulletin 31-32 (Spring-Fall 2004), Portland State University.

The AATT Bulletin 29-30 (Spring-Fall 2003), Portland State University.

The AATT Bulletin 27-28 (Spring-Fall 2001), Portland State University.

The AATT Bulletin 25-26 (Spring-Fall 2000), Portland State University.

The AATT Bulletin 23-24 (Spring-Fall 1999), Portland State University.


Literature and Cultural Studies (selected)

Basci, Pelin. "Film and Television in the Remaking of the Turkish Nation (2000-2010)." Guest lecture. Department of Asian Languages and Civilizations. Fall 2016 lecture series on West Asia, Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea, Oct. 27, 2016.

Basci, Pelin. Chaired the panel "Audiences, Circuits, and Contested Identities in Film and Television from the Middle East" in the Middle East Studies Association annual meeting held in Boston, Nov. 19, 2016.

Basci, Pelin. "Istanbul: the Imagined City" for the panel on Envisioning Urban Istanbul, held at the University of Oregon in Portland, Feb. 12, 2014.

Basci, Pelin. Faculty Discussant, Panel on Nationalism (and Its Re-assessment) in Turkish Language, Literature, Film, Undergraduate Student Conference, Middle East Studies Center, Portland State University, March 9, 2012.

Basci, Pelin. “Gender and Memory in the Films By Tomris Giritlioğlu and Yeşim Ustaoğlu,” Middle East Studies Association Annual Conference, Panel on Turkish Cinema, Washington DC., November 2011.

Basci, Pelin. “The 1980 Military Take-Over in Feature and Serialized Film,” Boğaziçi University, History Department, Museum Lectures Series, Guest Lecture, Istanbul, Turkey, July 1, 2011.

Basci, Pelin. “Depictions of the 1980 Military Takeover in Turkish Cinema and Serialized Film for Television,” Guest Lecture, Portland Center for Public Humanities, Portland, OR, May 20, 2011.

Basci, Pelin. Discussant and session chair in Western Ottomanists’ Workshop, Panel on Late-Ottoman Literature, University of California-Davis, April 9, 2011.

Basci, Pelin. "Depictions of the Military Takeover in Turkish Film Post-1980," the Middle East Studies Association 44th annual meeting in San Diego, CA., November 20, 2010.

Basci, Pelin. "The Rise, Fall, and the Taming of the "New Muslim Woman": Changing Perceptions of Masculinity in Turkish novel and the popular press, 1900-1930s,” invited guest lecture, Indiana University-Bloomington, September 2004.

Turkish instruction and pedagogy

Basci, Pelin. (Organizer and Chair). AATT Sponsored Roundtable entitled, "Focus on the Learner." Middle East Studies Annociation Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., November 19, 2017.

Basci, Pelin. (Participant in the ACTFL-AATT working group) 2012 ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines’ Sampling and Annotating Team for Turkish, Arlington, VA., January 2013 & 2014.

Basci, Pelin. (Organizer with Sedighi and Sbait and PSU’s MESC) of a Workshop on “Content-Based Instruction in MiddleEast Languages", PSU, March 17-18, 2012.

Basci, Pelin. (Presenter) “Content-Based Instruction Website for Course Modules” PSU, CBI Workshop, March 18, 2012.

Basci, Pelin. (Invited participant) “BOLCA. Workshop for Turkish Instructors” UCLA, May 13-15, 2011.

Basci, Pelin. “Turkish Readers,” the Turkish Language Workshop, University of Washington in Seattle, May 22-24, 2009.

Basci, Pelin (Participant) Workshop on The Turkish Reader, sponsored by National Middle East Languages Resource Center and American Association of Teachers of Turkish Languages, held at MESA November 2008.

Basci, Pelin. “Grammar in Advanced Turkish,” Middle East Studies Association Conference (MESA), American Association of Teachers of Turkic Languages Roundtable Discussion, November 2008.

Basci, Pelin. “Turkish STAMP: Material Selection, Items and Benchmarks, Item Types” Assessment Tools for Measuring Proficiency Levels in Less Commonly Taught Languages Workshop, Kevorkian Center at NYU, New York February 2, 2007.

Basci, Pelin. (Participant) Workshop on the Turkish Reader, sponsored by UCLA, National Middle East Languages Resource Center, Institute of Turkish Studies and American Association of Teachers of Turkish languages, held at UCLA, January 27-29 2006.

Basci, Pelin (Organizer). Workshop on “Turkish Proficiency Benchmarks” PSU, March 2005, Co-sponsored by American Association of Teachers of Turkic Languages, Institute of Turkish Studies, National Middle East Languages Resource Center, University of Oregon Center for Applied Second Language Studies.

Basci, Pelin."Critical languages Assessment Project: Development of a Computer-Based Assessment Tool for Turkish," National Middle East Languages Resource Center Workshop, Turkish Panel, Emory University, Atlanta, May 2003.

Basci, Pelin (Participant). Turkish Proficiency Guidelines, organized by the American Association of Teachers of Turkic Languages and American Council (ACTFL) on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, Philadelphia, November 2003.

Basci, Pelin. "Structured Input and Creative Output in the Teaching of Turkish as a Foreign Language," (read in absentia) Middle East Studies Association Conference (MESA), American Association of Teachers of Turkic Languages Roundtable Discussion, November 2001.

Basci, Pelin. "Turkish Instruction and the New Media," Turkic Instruction in the 21st Century, guest lecture, Indiana University-Bloomington, August 2000.

Basci, Pelin. (Participant) 4th annual conference of the National Council of Organizations of Less Commonly Taught Languages, Arlington, April 2001.

Basci, Pelin. “From Achievement to Proficiency: Testing and Assessment of Turkish as a Foreign Language,” MESA, Chicago, IL., December 1998.

Basci, Pelin. (Participant) National Council of Organizations of Less Commonly Taught Languages, Philadelphia, September 1998.

Basci, Pelin. “Using Audio-Visual Texts in Teaching Turkish,” Western Consortium‟s Teachers‟ Workshop, invited presentation, Salt Lake City, May 1994.

Current Projects

Başcı, Pelin and Grehan, James. A volume of selected texts such as Ömer Seyfettin's short story "Nakarat" [Refrain] translated from the Young Turk literature (in progress).