
Do you look through your child's folder with them at night? 

It is a great habit to get in to help support them academically! We have recent assignments in there everyday!

Important Dates

December 20th- First grade holiday party at 10:00 a.m.


*Contact your child's teacher for field tip information. For the safety of the children, we do not post locations. 


We eat lunch from 11:00-11:25 in the cafeteria.  You may eat with your child outside on the picnic tables, or if the weather is not accomodating, please eat at one of the middle round tables.

Grading Scale

E = 90 -100

G = 80 - 89 

S = 70 - 79 

N = 60 - 69 

U = 59 and below

Support Capshaw

Ways you can help support Capshaw:

Lost & Found

Please put names on all water bottles, jackets, backpacks, and lunch boxes. Names allow us to get lost items back to their owners.

Our Lost & Found is located next to the bus entrance.