Financial Aid


As local scholarships come out, they will be posted here (see below attachments).  

National scholarship opportunities are available on sites, such as Fastweb or those below that allow you to search for scholarships on your own.  Searching will take a lot of time, so try Scholly (how-to video) to narrow options down to your interests and career choices that you qualify for based on key questions answered in this Salli Mae App.  As local scholarship information becomes available, due dates will be posted as well, but it is up to you to check the websites, the requirements, and the due dates.  If you are applying to colleges, be sure to ask them what scholarships and financial aid options they offer, most are posted on their websites.  Many colleges have scholarships that are available to students coming to their school - so ask.  Again, the resource below is a great place to start - Good luck!

Open below document in new window to use filter options




Grants are a form of financial aid, based on need, which you do not have to repay. Grants are generally awarded by federal and state governments, academic institutions, and organizations. 

Understanding My Cal Grant Fact Sheet offers an understanding of grant options available to students.

State Grants include  The FAFSA (Federal) and The Ca Dream Act (State) are both housed at CSAC

The FAFSA is a government database that colleges and universities access to find out the financial needs of their students.  It is available online traditionally on Oct. 1st  and must be completed and submitted by each student no later than  March 2nd.  However, the 2023/2024 school year launches a new FAFSA application with a projected launch date of December 2023 and an extended Due date of April 2, 2024. This is a one-time change and will go back to October 1 in the 2024/2025 school year, The earlier students fill this out and submit it, the better.  The FAFSA is a collection point of basic family financial information.  Please plan to attend our Financial Aid Night in the Fall for assistance with this process.  

FAFSA Worksheet 23/24


Private and Colleges

Some Private Schools also require the CSS Profile in addition to the FAFSA and CalGrant GPA Verification Forms.  This form can be found at:

There is a $25.00 cost required to process your information and a fee to disseminate the form to each school at $16.00 each.  If a College or University requires this form you must complete the information or you will not receive financial aid.