Library Procedures

Policies and Procedures in the Library Media Center

Times to Use the Library

Students can stop by to check out books as often as needed for reading, research or completion of assignments.

Students are not allowed in the library during instructional time (class time) without a teacher.

Lost or Damaged Materials

Lost materials or those damaged beyond reasonable repair must be paid for at the purchase price. If you are delinquent, report cards and participation in special events will be withheld until payment is received.

Circulation Procedures for Books

Most circulating books are checked out for a two week loan period. Some special books may be checked out for a lesser period. The due date is stamped on the inside front cover of the book. Late fines are assessed as follows: 5 cents per day; overnight books 25 cents per day. All fines exclude weekends, holidays and vacations.

Books may be renewed providing there is no demand for the particular title or subject. Students owing fines must clear them before borrowing additional materials.

Materials           Circulation Period           Limitations

Books                  2 weeks                             1 book, 2 renewals                                              

Reference            Overnight                          Must be returned by next day, 1 renewal                     

Playaway             2 weeks                             Teachers will secure for students                

Library Etiquette

Students using the LMC are expected to be engaged in class assignments/projects, individual study or recreational reading.

No phones, music, ear buds or headphones are allowed.  Food, drink and gum chewing are not permitted in the LMC. Selling of items is not allowed.

The facility should not be used for socializing. Students who display behavior which disturbs others will be escorted to their respective vice-principal and may lose their library privileges.

Computer Policies and Procedures in the Library Media Center

Using the Computers   

The Library Media Center offers over 60 computers for student use. In order to use the computers, students must submit an Internet Agreement that has been signed by a parent or guardian. This allows the student to receive a password. Students may use the computers only for school-related work. See the procedures for using the Computers/Internet in the Library Media Center.