Research 101
Encyclopedia Britannica Online
login: username: port password: allegany
this gets the public site....down at the bottom of the screen you click on the blue library account, then click "high"
reenter port
MLA Style Resources
Purdue University Writing LabIn addition to offering information on writing and using MLA style, this site has APA style...make sure you enter the correct area. Remember MLA is typically used for humanities and APA for the sciences.
Directions for creating a WORKS CITED page
Many different types of CITATIONS in a proper paper format
Electronic (Web Publications)
Other Common Sources (Interview, speeches, photograph, etc.)
Directions for creating IN-TEXT CITATIONS
Printable MLA Quick Sheet
Works Cited/Bibliography Generators
BibME-- is a free automatic bibliography generator that supports MLA, APA, Chicago, and Turabian formatting. BibMe leverages databases provided by Amazon, FindArticles, Yahoo! News, and CiteULike to quickly and accurately AutoFill citation information for you.
Otto Bib--Type in the ISBN of any book and the citation will be created for you in the style that you need.