How to join the Plant-Insect Interaction Lab at Oxy

Welcome! If you think you'd like to work with us, here is what we expect:

  1. You must have a genuine curiosity about the natural world--who are its inhabitants, how do they function, and and they connect to other organisms. If you just want research experience that will look good on your record, this is not the lab for you.
  2. You must be willing to get dirty, catch bugs, and be physically uncomfortable at times.
  3. You must be willing to put in the time required and give good effort. Being part of our lab means spending not only a certain amount of time during the normal school week, but you may need to work off hours to get your project done. When you are in lab or in the field, you need to be able to focus on the work you are there to do.
  4. You must be able to convey an attitude of respect for your lab-mates and fellow researchers.
  5. You must be willing to maintain your own space neatly; prepare and archive your specimens and samples; keep your data organized, available to me via file sharing, and with all associated metadata entered and maintained.
  6. You must be willing to follow safety protocols at all times.
  7. You need a positive attitude, a sense of adventure, and willingness to be part of a team.

Does this sound like you? Get in touch with Dr. Braker!

Dr. Beth Braker | | 203 Moore Laboratory of Zoology | 323-259-2645

Department of Biology, Occidental College, 1600 Campus Road, Los Angeles CA 90041

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