6th Grade Beginner Band

Beginner Band is doing a great job as we continue quarter 3. We have been progressing through the Standard of Excellence Book with a strong pace, and students are asked to practice their book several times a week. In addition, we have learned "Tango and Cha-Cha" and When the Saints Go Marching In." Our method of learning these two songs, are reading through the music and understanding the notes, the sound, and the rhythms. Through that practice, students have internalized the music, and are now able to play these songs by memory. In addition, we have take the songs, and analyzed the scale degrees and understanding the method to writing these songs. This emphasis on understanding where the notes comes from, not only makes their theory of music stronger, but it will help us as we start our improvisation unit.

Please ask your children to play for you. They are doing a wonderful job and it is important that they are constantly playing.